Statistics Canada
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Table D.1.5.1
University enrolment, by sex, registration status, and program type, Canada and provinces, 1996/1997, 2001/2002 and 2006/2007

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  Both sexes1 Male Female
1996/1997 2001/2002 2006/2007 1996/1997 2001/2002 2006/2007 1996/1997 2001/2002 2006/2007
Full-time students
Total full-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada3 573,636 635,076 790,308 263,904 276,120 341,820 309,732 358,911 448,332
Newfoundland and Labrador 13,194 13,527 14,547 5,820 5,304 5,766 7,374 8,211 8,745
Prince Edward Island 2,313 2,787 3,372 900 990 1,191 1,416 1,794 2,181
Nova Scotia 29,940 32,454 34,656 13,296 13,590 14,616 16,644 18,837 20,007
New Brunswick 18,933 19,605 19,617 8,643 8,286 8,172 10,290 11,316 11,442
Quebec 132,054 144,189 169,872 60,108 62,127 74,799 71,943 82,062 95,076
Ontario 226,998 254,400 357,468 105,483 112,485 153,981 121,515 141,912 203,487
Manitoba 22,026 24,822 29,271 10,122 10,512 12,312 11,901 14,310 16,956
Saskatchewan3 23,571 24,261 15,729 10,677 10,506 7,059 12,894 13,755 8,670
Alberta 53,046 60,168 67,542 24,549 26,796 29,871 28,497 33,369 37,635
British Columbia 51,567 58,860 78,231 24,309 25,515 34,053 27,261 33,342 44,133
Canada3 482,295 528,198 654,231 215,559 223,335 275,454 266,736 304,827 378,705
Newfoundland and Labrador 8,505 8,949 10,371 3,690 3,597 4,086 4,812 5,346 6,279
Prince Edward Island 2,244 2,682 3,117 867 954 1,113 1,374 1,725 2,004
Nova Scotia 26,322 28,785 30,492 11,496 11,703 12,720 14,823 17,058 17,742
New Brunswick 17,280 17,721 17,718 7,794 7,404 7,254 9,489 10,317 10,458
Quebec 105,975 110,274 127,167 46,425 45,537 53,757 59,550 64,737 73,410
Ontario 195,756 219,174 310,869 88,380 94,278 130,968 107,376 124,899 179,898
Manitoba 18,843 21,984 25,689 8,427 9,033 10,629 10,416 12,948 15,057
Saskatchewan3 20,457 21,054 12,930 8,976 8,862 5,586 11,481 12,192 7,341
Alberta 45,924 51,099 55,170 20,784 22,173 23,556 25,140 28,926 31,611
British Columbia 40,986 46,479 60,711 18,717 19,794 25,785 22,272 26,688 34,902
Canada3 75,042 84,738 115,017 40,518 43,077 57,117 34,524 41,661 57,828
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,368 1,155 1,479 729 567 687 642 588 762
Prince Edward Island 36 54 219 15 21 66 18 33 156
Nova Scotia 2,325 2,637 3,405 1,218 1,386 1,563 1,107 1,248 1,839
New Brunswick 915 1,113 1,443 507 585 747 408 528 696
Quebec 22,389 26,544 37,176 11,874 13,269 18,363 10,518 13,275 18,810
Ontario 27,726 31,647 41,604 15,114 16,464 20,907 12,612 15,180 20,697
Manitoba 2,472 2,283 2,973 1,353 1,212 1,461 1,119 1,071 1,509
Saskatchewan3 1,791 1,830 1,845 1,089 942 975 702 891 870
Alberta 6,114 7,299 10,344 3,315 3,870 5,421 2,802 3,432 4,896
British Columbia 9,903 10,179 14,538 5,307 4,764 6,930 4,593 5,418 7,593
Part-time students
Total part-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada3 256,134 251,589 269,607 99,885 100,788 105,120 156,246 150,708 164,388
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,862 2,748 3,264 1,002 1,116 1,308 1,857 1,617 1,950
Prince Edward Island 423 570 627 132 165 204 294 402 420
Nova Scotia 6,894 8,118 7,803 2,499 2,835 2,628 4,395 5,220 5,163
New Brunswick 4,698 4,707 4,137 1,584 1,677 1,506 3,111 3,015 2,625
Quebec 103,638 96,480 96,840 40,914 38,739 37,422 62,724 57,738 59,418
Ontario 79,833 81,324 83,892 31,134 33,249 34,473 48,699 48,072 49,416
Manitoba 10,029 9,318 10,848 4,050 3,408 4,134 5,979 5,910 6,714
Saskatchewan3 7,749 7,833 4,872 2,976 2,988 1,740 4,773 4,842 3,135
Alberta 16,989 18,963 26,592 6,297 7,416 9,459 10,695 11,550 17,097
British Columbia 23,013 21,528 30,729 9,294 9,189 12,249 13,716 12,339 18,453
Canada3 157,293 152,484 159,249 58,770 59,799 62,403 98,520 92,655 96,816
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,131 1,329 1,428 375 552 585 753 774 837
Prince Edward Island 393 324 378 123 105 120 270 216 261
Nova Scotia 3,579 4,098 3,987 1,386 1,491 1,443 2,190 2,592 2,535
New Brunswick 1,896 2,496 2,655 567 960 981 1,326 1,533 1,665
Quebec 65,277 60,228 60,078 23,823 22,695 22,218 41,454 37,533 37,860
Ontario 49,332 50,748 50,364 18,309 20,436 20,778 31,023 30,312 29,589
Manitoba 7,746 6,957 8,628 3,195 2,637 3,429 4,551 4,320 5,196
Saskatchewan3 3,816 4,209 2,598 1,419 1,497 798 2,397 2,715 1,800
Alberta 6,606 5,142 8,292 2,349 2,037 3,150 4,257 3,105 5,136
British Columbia 17,523 16,956 20,841 7,227 7,398 8,898 10,296 9,558 11,943
Canada3 37,029 39,864 42,813 16,992 18,270 17,769 20,034 21,588 25,032
Newfoundland and Labrador 591 582 870 252 282 363 336 297 507
Prince Edward Island x 48 36  x  15 12  x  33 24
Nova Scotia 1,119 2,136 2,499 393 738 768 726 1,392 1,725
New Brunswick 639 567 651 291 231 228 348 336 426
Quebec 18,789 18,558 19,023 8,937 8,919 8,187 9,852 9,639 10,836
Ontario 9,390 9,588 10,425 4,389 4,518 4,776 5,001 5,070 5,652
Manitoba 909 861 960 372 306 336 537 552 624
Saskatchewan3 1,185 1,032 387 582 477 174 603 558 213
Alberta 2,463 3,924 5,340 1,047 1,800 1,989 1,419 2,124 3,348
British Columbia 1,938 2,568 2,619 726 981 936 1,212 1,587 1,680
1. Includes enrolments for which sex was not reported. Figures may not add up because of the exclusion of the "sex unknown" category in the table or because of rounding.
2. Total includes the following categories not listed in this table: "Trade/vocational and preparatory training certificate or diploma", "Community college certificate or diploma or other community college level" and "Other program levels". "Other program levels" include program levels not applicable or non-programs (taking non-credit courses or taking courses without seeking a credential).
3. For University of Regina, enrolments since 2005/2006 are not available.
4. Undergraduate includes programs leading to a bachelor's degree, a first professional degree, an applied degree, university preliminary year or pre-bachelor, undergraduate level certificate or diploma, license undergraduate and licentiate or testamur.
5. Graduate includes programs leading to a Master's degree, an Earned doctorate, Post-doctoral program, master's qualifying year, university graduate level certificate or diploma, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) qualifying year or probationary, internship (Postgraduate Medical Education known as post-M.D.) and residency (medical, dental, veterinary).
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
Universities include universities (independent institutions granting degrees in at least arts and sciences); Colleges of theology (independent institutions granting degrees only in theology); Liberal arts colleges (independent institutions granting degrees in only in arts); Other (independent institutions granting degrees in specialized fields other than theology (such as engineering, fine arts)). Private non-subsidized institutions are not included.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0013, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated July 13, 2009.