Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table D.4.4
Expenditures on research and development (R&D) by performing sector, Canada and provinces, current dollars, 1991, 2000, and 2002 to 2006

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Jurisdiction and R&D by performing sector 1991 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
millions of dollars
Canada 10,767 20,580 23,532 24,719r 26,833r 28,142r 28,715p
Government 2,013 2,310r 2,472 2,361 2,373 2,717r 2,829
Federal government 1,685 2,080 2,190 2,083 2,083 2,414 2,496
Provincial governments 328 230r 282 278 290 300 333
Business enterprise 5,355 12,395 13,541 14,123r 15,299r 15,791r 16,137
University 3,289 5,793 7,455 8,143 9,058 9,518 9,624
Private non-profit 110 57 63 92 103 117r 125
Newfoundland and Labrador 106 138 153 173 173 267 262
Government 39 35 37 28 28 33 31
Federal government 35 30 32 23 23 28 27
Provincial government 4 5 5 5 5 5 4
Business enterprise 10 20 22 31 29 86 99
University 57 83 94 114 116 148 132
Private non-profit 0 0 .. .. .. .. ..
Prince Edward Island 16 36 31 43 41 66r 70
Government 10 16 8 12 10 28 26
Federal government 10 16 8 12 10 28 26
Provincial government 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Business enterprise 2 5 4 7 7 11r 13
University 4 15 19 25 24 27 31
Private non-profit 0 0 .. .. .. .. ..
Nova Scotia 240 363 400 409 448r 471r 502
Government 86 94 82 72 87 72 79
Federal government 81 88 76 66 81 66 73
Provincial government 5 6 6 6 6 6 6
Business enterprise 26 67 93 79 94r 102r 106
University 127 200 225 259 266 298 317
Private non-profit 1 2 .. .. .. .. ..
New Brunswick 121 158r 211 216 227r 256r 271
Government 40 30 50 34 30 30 34
Federal government 37 27 46 30 26 26 30
Provincial government 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Business enterprise 30 40 62 64 82r 96r 102
University 50 89 99 118 114 130 135
Private non-profit 1 2 .. .. .. .. ..
Quebec 2,863 5,680 6,682 6,943 7,209r 7,208r 7,595
Government 295 408 452 397 402 453 456
Federal government 217 350 370 314 320 368 371
Provincial government 78 58 82 83 82 85 85
Business enterprise 1,520 3,642 4,155 4,202 4,340r 4,199r 4,598
University 1,031 1,628 2,074 2,345 2,467 2,556 2,541
Private non-profit 17 2 .. .. .. .. ..
Ontario 4,616 9,534r 10,426 11,054r 12,080r 12,670r 12,685
Government 376 360r 368 399 375 437 564
Federal government 251 314 324 351 329 395 494
Provincial government 125 46r 44 48 46 42 70
Business enterprise 2,952 6,856 7,064 7,384 7,871r 8,250r 8,033
University 1,211 2,317 2,996 3,187 3,835 3,980 4,088
Private non-profit 77 6 .. .. .. .. ..
Manitoba 284 393r 454 456 519r 581r 558
Government 98 72 75 67 77 87 87
Federal government 95 69 72 63 73 83 81
Provincial government 3 3 3 4 4 4 6
Business enterprise 64 133 155 150 183r 199r 184
University 114 189 225 239 260 294 287
Private non-profit 8 18 .. .. .. .. ..
Saskatchewan 216 376 435 398 423 453r 465
Government 61 72 64 65 67 83 83
Federal government 51 62 53 54 54 68 67
Provincial government 10 10 11 11 13 15 16
Business enterprise 54 76 112 88 112 150 167
University 101 228 259 245 245 217 215
Private non-profit 0 0 .. .. .. .. ..
Alberta 789 1,319r 1,709 1,877 2,254r 2,406r 2,412
Government 149 190 200 190 224 252 258
Federal government 78 116 92 87 110 130 133
Provincial government 71 74 108 103 114 122 125
Business enterprise 349 583 782 861 1,030 1,193r 1236
University 291 547 727 827 899 962 919
Private non-profit 0 17 .. .. .. .. ..
British Columbia 782 1,606r 1,949 2,052 2,373r 2,505r 2,644
Government 125 136 119 95 107 108 109
Federal government 96 111 99 80 91 91 91
Provincial government 29 25 20 15 16 17 18
Business enterprise 348 973 1,093 1,173 1,434r 1,493r 1,576
University 303 497 736 785 832 904 959
Private non-profit 6 10 .. .. .. .. ..
Notes: Provincial data include provincial research organizations. Expenditures on R&D by the private non-profit sector are no longer distributed provincially as of 2002. The Canada total, however, does include the private non-profit sector.
To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Gross domestic product (GDP) implicit price index be used for national and provincial-level conversions. For the index and further details on converting see Table F.1.2.
Sources: Statistics Canada. 2008. Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development in Canada and the Provinces: National Estimates 1997 to 2008 and Provincial Estimates 2002 to 2006. Catalogue no. 88-221-X, vol. 1 no. 2. table 4.
Statistics Canada. CANSIM Table 358-0001 Gross domestic expenditures on research and development, by science type and by funder and performer sector, annual (dollars). Last updated January 19, 2009. (1991, 2000 expenditures).