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Table E.2.4
Distribution of the population aged 15 to 29, by education level, labour force status and age group, Canada and provinces, 2006/2007

Standard table symbols

  Age group
15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 Total 15 to 29
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 9 6
Non-student unemployed 2 5 5 4
Non-student employed 12 48 73 45
University employed 4 12 5 7
University not in the labour force 6 12 3 7
College employed 6 6 2 5
College not in the labour force 4 4 2 3
Primary/secondary employed 21 1 x 7
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 35 1 x 12
Other1 7 3 2 4
Total 100 100 100 100
Newfoundland and Labrador
Non-student not in the labour force 3* 11 12 9
Non-student unemployed 4 11 12 9
Non-student employed 8 39 62 35
University employed 3* 10 4* 6
University not in the labour force 8 17 4** 10
College employed 2** 2* x 2
College not in the labour force 5 7 3** 5
Primary/secondary employed 14 x x 5
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 49 x x 17
Other1 5 2* x 3
Total 100 100 100 100
Prince Edward Island
Non-student not in the labour force 2* 6* 9 6
Non-student unemployed 3* 9 9 7
Non-student employed 12 49 73 43
University employed 6 11 2** 7
University not in the labour force 7 11 2** 7
College employed 2** 4* x 2*
College not in the labour force 2** 5* x 3
Primary/secondary employed 25 x x 9
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 36 x x 13
Other1 6 x x 3
Total 100 100 100 100
Nova Scotia
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 10 7
Non-student unemployed 3 7 5 5
Non-student employed 11 48 72 43
University employed 5 13 5 8
University not in the labour force 7 14 4* 8
College employed 2* 5 2* 3
College not in the labour force 2* 3* 1* 2
Primary/secondary employed 22 x x 8
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 38 x x 13
Other1 7 2 1* 3
Total 100 100 100 100
New Brunswick
Non-student not in the labour force 3* 7 12 7
Non-student unemployed 3* 6 5 5
Non-student employed 12 51 74 45
University employed 3* 9 4* 5
University not in the labour force 8 18 3* 10
College employed 3* 3* x 2
College not in the labour force 3 4* 2** 3
Primary/secondary employed 23 x x 8
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 37 x x 13
Other1 6 2* x 3
Total 100 100 100 100
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 7 5
Non-student unemployed 3 5 6 5
Non-student employed 10 45 70 43
University employed 1* 15 8 8
University not in the labour force 3 9 3 5
College employed 13 7 2 7
College not in the labour force 9 4 1* 4
Primary/secondary employed 14 1 x 5
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 35 2 1* 12
Other1 10 6 2 6
Total 100 100 100 100
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 9 6
Non-student unemployed 2 6 6 4
Non-student employed 9 44 73 42
University employed 5 14 4 7
University not in the labour force 8 14 3 8
College employed 4 7 2 5
College not in the labour force 3 5 2 3
Primary/secondary employed 23 1 x 8
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 36 1 x 12
Other1 7 3 2 4
Total 100 100 100 100
Non-student not in the labour force 4 8 11 7
Non-student unemployed 2 4 3 3
Non-student employed 16 53 74 47
University employed 6 16 4 8
University not in the labour force 4 8 2* 5
College employed 2* 3 2 2
College not in the labour force 2* 3 1* 2
Primary/secondary employed 27 1* x 10
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 31 1* x 11
Other1 7 3 2* 4
Total 100 100 100 100
Non-student not in the labour force 3* 6 8 6
Non-student unemployed 2 4 4 3
Non-student employed 17 61 77 51
University employed 5 13 4 7
University not in the labour force 5 9 3* 6
College employed 1* 2 1* 2
College not in the labour force 1* 2 1** 2
Primary/secondary employed 29 x x 10
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 32 F x 11
Other1 5 2 1* 3
Total 100 100 100 100
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 10 7
Non-student unemployed 3 3 2 3
Non-student employed 19 61 78 54
University employed 2 7 3* 4
University not in the labour force 5 10 2* 6
College employed 4 6 2 4
College not in the labour force 3 4 2* 3
Primary/secondary employed 27 x x 8
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 29 x x 9
Other1 4 2 1 2
Total 100 100 100 100
British Columbia
Non-student not in the labour force 3 7 10 7
Non-student unemployed 2 4 3 3
Non-student employed 16 53 71 47
University employed 4 10 4 6
University not in the labour force 5 11 4 7
College employed 5 7 4 5
College not in the labour force 3 4 2 3
Primary/secondary employed 20 x x 7
Primary/secondary not in the labour force 38 x x 12
Other1 5 3 2 3
Total 100 100 100 100
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
F too unreliable to be published
* indicates a coefficient of variation (CV) between 16.6% and 25%.
** indicates a coefficient of variation (CV) greater than 25% and less than or equal to 33.3%.
1. Includes unemployed students attending university, college, primary or secondary schools and students attending other kinds of schools.
Data source: Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.