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Table D.3.4.A
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1995/1996 and 2005/2006

Standard table symbols

  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff
Male No. 27,081 26,361 708 573 138 141 1,401 1,341 855 777 6,939 6,423 9,894 9,564 1,293 1,137 1,086 996 2,256 2,550 2,514 2,859
Female No. 8,259 12,705 228 270 45 81 546 786 291 429 1,977 2,712 3,111 4,872 363 513 264 462 642 1,170 789 1,410
Both sexes No. 35,340 39,066 933 843 183 222 1,947 2,124 1,146 1,203 8,919 9,138 13,005 14,436 1,653 1,653 1,353 1,458 2,898 3,720 3,303 4,269
Females % 23 33 24 32 25 36 28 37 25 36 22 30 24 34 22 31 20 32 22 31 24 33
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 85,033 91,512 70,477 82,400 74,016 78,779 73,275 83,240 78,253 82,580 83,680 86,825 87,508 93,809 84,538 86,531 89,995 98,076 84,731 99,523 90,960 95,661
Female $ 71,363 80,379 62,277 72,021 62,067 72,117 61,552 72,602 66,853 73,312 73,159 78,364 72,739 83,002 68,264 74,058 71,852 83,818 69,876 84,271 75,488 81,700
Both sexes $ 81,838 87,891 68,493 79,072 71,078 76,348 69,992 79,312 75,341 79,287 81,346 84,312 83,974 90,161 80,976 82,642 86,428 93,555 81,435 94,726 87,268 91,053
Gender gap2 % 84 88 88 87 84 92 84 87 85 89 87 90 83 88 81 86 80 85 82 85 83 85
Full professors
Male No. 12,945 11,166 282 246 51 39 579 570 453 366 3,288 3,021 4,608 3,633 633 477 603 432 1,251 1,200 1,191 1,185
Female No. 1,647 2,712 33 48 0 9 81 129 81 111 465 813 591 897 54 96 45 93 159 279 141 243
Both sexes No. 14,589 13,875 315 294 54 48 660 699 537 477 3,753 3,834 5,199 4,527 690 573 648 522 1,410 1,479 1,332 1,425
Females % 11 20 10 16 0 19 12 18 15 23 12 21 11 20 8 17 7 18 11 19 11 17
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 98,202 109,118 83,121 95,953 86,817 93,059 86,513 100,091 89,525 97,247 94,670 100,801 101,008 113,369 99,955 107,857 102,981 115,321 98,070 119,524 106,941 116,272
Female $ 91,782 103,516 82,487 91,901 ... 97,028 78,308 97,175 83,414 95,107 90,657 96,099 93,165 109,325 92,222 99,402 87,039 101,190 90,870 110,953 106,673 110,707
Both sexes $ 97,478 108,023 83,056 95,292 86,666 93,721 85,517 99,556 88,602 96,748 94,174 99,803 100,117 112,569 99,348 106,453 101,899 112,813 97,263 117,912 106,912 115,331
Gender gap2 % 93 95 99 96 ... 104 91 97 93 98 96 95 92 96 92 92 85 88 93 93 100 95
Associate professors
Male No. 9,342 8,073 285 204 51 69 522 417 252 243 2,568 2,022 3,438 2,994 405 306 306 321 726 747 792 750
Female No. 3,162 4,404 105 105 18 36 183 279 93 144 855 957 1,131 1,659 153 180 120 174 273 399 234 468
Both sexes No. 12,507 12,477 390 306 69 105 705 693 345 387 3,420 2,979 4,572 4,653 558 489 426 495 999 1,143 1,026 1,215
Females % 25 35 27 34 26 34 26 40 27 37 25 32 25 36 27 37 28 35 27 35 23 39
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 78,669 86,354 67,130 79,440 72,193 78,065 69,207 78,867 71,013 75,523 78,972 81,735 82,292 91,276 75,202 79,648 78,288 88,667 72,097 88,544 83,152 89,057
Female $ 74,725 84,255 66,607 76,038 74,195 75,285 67,506 77,284 69,309 73,031 75,174 79,114 77,064 89,417 73,592 78,186 77,156 90,842 69,337 85,020 78,948 85,852
Both sexes $ 77,672 85,613 66,990 78,280 72,715 77,104 68,765 78,233 70,564 74,598 78,025 80,893 80,996 90,613 74,760 79,104 77,969 89,436 71,343 87,316 82,192 87,827
Gender gap2 % 95 98 99 96 103 96 98 98 98 97 95 97 94 98 98 98 99 102 96 96 95 96
Assistant professors
Male No. 4,185 6,090 132 126 36 27 261 327 120 141 978 1,218 1,563 2,535 222 303 159 207 258 495 453 711
Female No. 2,730 4,383 81 108 24 33 225 315 87 126 540 810 1,068 1,821 123 198 87 150 195 351 297 468
Both sexes No. 6,915 10,476 213 231 57 63 489 645 210 267 1,518 2,028 2,634 4,356 345 501 243 357 453 849 747 1,179
Females % 39 42 38 47 42 52 46 49 41 47 36 40 41 42 36 40 36 42 43 41 40 40
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 62,299 70,634 52,433 60,668 58,904 62,986 56,089 62,037 54,435 61,416 61,704 64,800 63,742 72,807 62,034 64,746 68,552 85,466 58,027 74,541 67,771 76,153
Female $ 59,332 67,247 50,934 61,010 54,515 63,905 54,586 61,674 54,260 59,753 59,478 63,496 60,968 68,953 56,032 62,133 61,544 75,439 55,608 70,478 64,140 71,681
Both sexes $ 61,128 69,216 51,861 60,827 57,133 63,482 55,391 61,858 54,361 60,625 60,911 64,279 62,616 71,196 59,900 63,713 66,120 81,253 56,986 72,854 66,331 74,378
Gender gap2 % 95 95 97 101 93 101 97 99 100 97 96 98 96 95 90 96 90 88 96 95 95 94
Male No. 609 1,032 9 0 0 3 39 30 24 24 105 162 282 402 33 51 18 39 18 105 78 213
Female No. 720 1,206 9 12 3 3 57 63 33 45 120 132 318 495 33 42 18 45 18 141 114 231
Both sexes No. 1,329 2,241 18 12 3 3 93 93 57 72 225 297 600 900 63 90 36 84 36 246 195 447
Females % 54 54 50 100 100 100 61 68 58 63 53 44 53 55 52 47 50 54 50 57 58 52
Average salary in 2001 constant dollars
Male $ 58,944 64,587 45,707 ... ... x 46,545 52,779 61,264 56,862 59,456 55,474 62,413 68,436 52,773 57,357 41,122 51,640 51,129 67,790 61,279 69,488
Female $ 55,558 61,981 42,470 53,347 x x 46,125 56,835 53,014 58,716 53,023 54,970 58,978 65,614 49,374 54,108 46,639 48,529 47,072 63,928 59,656 63,497
Both sexes $ 57,108 63,183 44,173 52,527 x x 46,299 55,587 56,488 58,037 56,012 55,248 60,593 66,877 51,046 55,913 43,881 49,973 49,213 65,601 60,318 66,365
Gender gap2 % 94 96 93 0 x x 99 108 87 103 89 99 94 96 94 94 113 94 92 94 97 91
… not applicable
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
1. Excludes staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff; staff having a salary of zero or not reported.
2. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
3. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches. In PCEIP 2007, this category was combined with "assistant professors" to form "other ranks".
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded.
Data source: University and College Academic Staff Survey, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.