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Table D.3.1.B
Number of full-time teaching staff in universities, by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1994/1995 and 2004/2005

  Male Female Both sexes
1994/1995 2004/2005 1994/1995 1994/1995 2004/2005 2004/2005 1994/1995 2004/2005
number number percentage number percentage number
All full-time teaching staff  
Canada 28,122 26,283 8,277 23 12,291 32 36,402 38,571
Newfoundland and Labrador 714 585 228 24 267 31 942 849
Prince Edward Island 144 135 51 26 75 36 198 210
Nova Scotia 1,458 1,380 540 27 786 36 1,998 2,166
New Brunswick 897 801 285 24 414 34 1,182 1,212
Quebec 7,095 6,387 1,926 21 2,580 29 9,018 8,967
Ontario 10,314 9,576 3,144 23 4,722 33 13,455 14,298
Manitoba 1,380 1,146 378 22 522 31 1,758 1,671
Saskatchewan 1,146 1,041 279 20 471 31 1,422 1,509
Alberta 2,409 2,544 669 22 1,185 32 3,081 3,732
British Columbia 2,568 2,691 783 23 1,260 32 3,348 3,954
Full professors  
Canada 13,272 11,376 1,584 11 2,649 19 14,856 14,025
Newfoundland and Labrador 279 258 30 10 42 14 309 300
Prince Edward Island 54 39 0 0 9 18 57 51
Nova Scotia 600 591 72 11 120 17 672 714
New Brunswick 480 357 75 14 102 22 552 462
Quebec 3,294 3,042 429 12 777 20 3,723 3,819
Ontario 4,779 3,753 594 11 888 19 5,373 4,638
Manitoba 654 495 57 8 99 17 708 591
Saskatchewan 627 477 36 5 102 18 663 576
Alberta 1,302 1,206 159 11 276 19 1,464 1,482
British Columbia 1,203 1,155 132 10 234 17 1,338 1,389
Associate professors  
Canada 9,669 7,917 3,105 24 4,224 35 12,771 12,141
Newfoundland and Labrador 312 207 102 25 111 35 414 321
Prince Edward Island 48 63 15 23 27 30 66 90
Nova Scotia 540 444 189 26 273 38 729 717
New Brunswick 261 237 93 26 120 34 354 357
Quebec 2,625 2,001 837 24 921 32 3,459 2,922
Ontario 3,555 2,931 1,101 24 1,617 36 4,656 4,545
Manitoba 447 306 153 26 180 37 600 486
Saskatchewan 321 306 117 27 168 35 435 474
Alberta 777 756 270 26 420 36 1,044 1,176
British Columbia 786 666 225 22 387 37 1,011 1,050
Assistant professors  
Canada 4,488 6,003 2,814 39 4,233 41 7,302 10,236
Newfoundland and Labrador 114 123 87 44 99 45 198 222
Prince Edward Island 42 30 27 39 36 57 69 63
Nova Scotia 276 303 225 45 294 49 498 600
New Brunswick 135 171 90 40 132 44 225 303
Quebec 1,044 1,176 534 34 756 39 1,578 1,932
Ontario 1,650 2,493 1,089 40 1,722 41 2,739 4,212
Manitoba 249 300 132 35 201 40 381 504
Saskatchewan 183 216 108 38 156 42 288 369
Alberta 312 531 213 41 417 44 525 951
British Columbia 486 663 315 39 420 39 798 1,083
Canada 699 987 777 53 1,182 54 1,476 2,169
Newfoundland and Labrador 9 0 9 43 9 100 21 9
Prince Edward Island 3 0 3 50 3 100 6 3
Nova Scotia 39 42 60 61 99 70 99 141
New Brunswick 27 33 24 47 60 65 51 93
Quebec 135 165 126 48 129 44 261 294
Ontario 330 402 357 52 501 55 690 903
Manitoba 30 42 39 57 45 50 69 90
Saskatchewan 18 45 18 50 48 53 36 90
Alberta 21 48 27 56 72 59 48 123
British Columbia 90 207 114 57 222 52 201 426
1. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches. In PCEIP 2007, this category was combined with "assistant professors" to form "other ranks".
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%. In addition, the revisions to information published in PCEIP 2007 required new random rounding of all figures; therefore, these figures may differ slightly from those published in the PCEIP 2007 table.
Data source: University and College Academic Staff Survey, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.