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Table D.1.5
University enrolment, by sex and registration status, Canada and provinces, 1995/1996, 2000/2001 and 2005/2006

Standard table symbols

  Male Female Both sexes1
1995/1996 2000/2001 2005/2006 1995/1996 2000/2001 2005/2006 1995/1996 2000/2001 2005/2006
number number number
Full-time students
Canada 265,437 265,017 338,745 307,758 341,760 442,458 573,195 606,777 781,203
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,904 5,355 5,862 7,569 8,094 8,925 13,473 13,449 14,787
Prince Edward Island 948 993 1,167 1,479 1,797 2,097 2,427 2,790 3,264
Nova Scotia 13,203 12,837 15,012 16,521 18,042 20,367 29,724 30,879 35,379
New Brunswick 8,856 8,205 8,655 10,545 10,872 11,943 19,401 19,077 20,598
Quebec 60,639 60,075 74,184 72,285 79,584 94,368 132,924 139,659 168,552
Ontario 107,355 108,069 150,327 120,804 134,676 197,925 228,159 242,745 348,252
Manitoba 10,119 10,032 12,636 11,340 13,317 16,419 21,459 23,349 29,055
Saskatchewan 10,938 10,380 7,074 12,699 13,494 8,685 23,637 23,874 15,759
Alberta 24,273 25,788 30,129 28,128 32,205 37,833 52,401 57,993 67,962
British Columbia 23,205 23,283 33,702 26,388 29,673 43,896 49,593 52,956 77,598
Canada 216,399 214,725 273,012 264,654 290,283 374,874 481,053 505,008 647,886
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,402 3,753 4,179 4,155 5,343 6,384 7,557 9,096 10,563
Prince Edward Island 921 963 1,122 1,440 1,737 2,019 2,361 2,700 3,141
Nova Scotia 11,385 11,079 13,086 14,700 16,116 18,291 26,085 27,195 31,377
New Brunswick 8,010 7,455 7,722 9,789 9,978 10,944 17,799 17,433 18,666
Quebec 47,028 44,133 53,238 60,405 62,979 73,419 107,433 107,112 126,657
Ontario 90,240 90,432 128,370 106,980 118,428 175,806 197,220 208,860 304,176
Manitoba 8,316 8,604 10,935 9,918 12,006 14,685 18,234 20,610 25,620
Saskatchewan 9,132 8,730 5,595 11,211 12,120 7,350 20,343 20,850 12,945
Alberta 20,370 21,243 23,733 24,639 27,567 31,704 45,009 48,810 55,437
British Columbia 17,598 18,336 25,026 21,414 24,012 34,269 39,012 42,348 59,295
Canada 40,770 41,376 55,797 33,774 39,732 55,338 74,544 81,108 111,135
Newfoundland and Labrador 678 519 603 591 546 723 1,269 1,065 1,326
Prince Edward Island 12 24 27 12 39 39 24 63 66
Nova Scotia 1,221 1,236 1,566 1,053 1,212 1,650 2,274 2,448 3,216
New Brunswick 561 558 735 438 498 693 999 1,056 1,428
Quebec 11,877 12,918 18,345 10,194 12,756 18,327 22,071 25,674 36,672
Ontario 15,159 15,669 19,704 12,324 14,328 19,176 27,483 29,997 38,880
Manitoba 1,494 1,176 1,404 1,071 1,032 1,356 2,565 2,208 2,760
Saskatchewan 1,131 990 975 723 855 870 1,854 1,845 1,845
Alberta 3,258 3,600 5,436 2,733 3,336 4,824 5,991 6,936 10,260
British Columbia 5,379 4,683 7,002 4,626 5,127 7,686 10,005 9,810 14,688
Part-time students
Canada 105,633 97,254 103,671 167,583 146,391 162,459 273,216 243,645 266,130
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,038 1,071 1,464 1,704 1,587 2,025 2,742 2,658 3,489
Prince Edward Island 162 171 156 318 402 363 480 573 519
Nova Scotia 2,397 2,751 2,646 4,518 5,145 5,253 6,915 7,896 7,899
New Brunswick 1,860 1,560 1,521 3,537 2,928 2,886 5,397 4,488 4,407
Quebec 43,074 37,584 37,557 66,033 56,406 59,883 109,107 93,990 97,440
Ontario 34,737 31,641 33,909 56,517 45,723 48,888 91,254 77,364 82,797
Manitoba 4,908 3,243 3,960 7,041 5,340 6,714 11,949 8,583 10,674
Saskatchewan 2,880 2,886 1,731 5,058 4,719 3,132 7,938 7,605 4,863
Alberta 5,811 7,293 8,571 9,708 11,052 15,132 15,519 18,345 23,703
British Columbia 8,760 9,054 12,150 13,149 13,080 18,186 21,909 22,134 30,336
Canada 62,187 59,523 60,186 105,732 92,598 95,322 167,919 152,121 155,508
Newfoundland and Labrador 534 543 639 909 750 849 1,443 1,293 1,488
Prince Edward Island 141 111 120 264 237 243 405 348 363
Nova Scotia 1,170 1,359 1,410 2,160 2,496 2,655 3,330 3,855 4,065
New Brunswick 735 1,002 954 1,518 1,776 1,932 2,253 2,778 2,886
Quebec 25,209 23,187 22,167 44,049 37,758 38,643 69,258 60,945 60,810
Ontario 20,124 19,647 20,133 34,845 29,160 28,764 54,969 48,807 48,897
Manitoba 3,858 2,469 3,030 5,427 3,936 4,836 9,285 6,405 7,866
Saskatchewan 1,311 1,572 798 2,601 2,721 1,797 3,912 4,293 2,595
Alberta 2,307 2,130 2,454 4,152 3,207 3,978 6,459 5,337 6,432
British Columbia 6,801 7,503 8,481 9,801 10,557 11,625 16,602 18,060 20,106
Canada 17,532 16,821 18,138 20,451 20,211 24,213 37,983 37,032 42,351
Newfoundland and Labrador 246 267 468 279 327 570 525 594 1,038
Prince Edward Island 3 9 12 .. 18 36 .. 27 48
Nova Scotia 447 729 801 792 1,314 1,731 1,239 2,043 2,532
New Brunswick 282 264 246 357 351 408 639 615 654
Quebec 9,030 7,506 8,130 10,047 8,586 10,545 19,077 16,092 18,675
Ontario 4,836 4,518 4,878 5,442 4,932 5,670 10,278 9,450 10,548
Manitoba 420 309 384 633 543 675 1,053 852 1,059
Saskatchewan 570 417 174 567 531 213 1,137 948 387
Alberta 1,035 1,818 2,007 1,260 2,067 2,952 2,295 3,885 4,959
British Columbia 660 981 1,044 1,071 1,539 1,413 1,731 2,520 2,457
.. not available for a specific reference period
1. Includes enrolments for which sex was not reported.
2. Includes other program levels not listed in this table.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values, since the total and subtotals are independently rounded.
Data source: Postsecondary Student Information System, Statistics Canada.
Table source: Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. 2007. Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program. Catalogue no. 81-582-XIE. Ottawa.
Updated June 16, 2008.