Education Matters: Insights on education, learning and training in Canada
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January 2008
Literacy profile of off-reserve First Nations and Métis people living in urban Manitoba and Saskatchewan: Results from the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey 2003
Research consistently shows that there is a strong link between literacy levels, education and labour market outcomes. This is especially true for the off-reserve First Nations populations in urban Manitoba and urban Saskatchewan, as well as for the urban Métis populations in those provinces. However, overall literacy levels remain low for First Nations individuals compared to their Métis and non-Aboriginal counterparts ... more.
Taking time off between high school and postsecondary education: Determinants and early labour market outcomes
According to the 2004 Youth in Transition Survey, about 40% of 22 to 24 year-olds had gone directly to postsecondary studies following high school, while about equal proportions (30% each) had either delayed more than four months after high school graduation or had high school or less. This article asks whether having a gap in studies following high school matters for employment and earnings. In fact, it finds that it is completion of a postsecondary degree or diploma that matters most, not whether youth had delayed starting their postsecondary studies following high school completion ... more.
The fifth edition of Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program is now available. It provides a wealth of statistical information on education for the provinces and territories, including trends in enrolment and graduation at all levels, as well as trends for educators and expenditures in education. It also presents a broad statistical portrait of the school-age population and indicators on such topics as the school readiness of children aged four and five and labour market outcomes.
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