Average undergraduate tuition fees, by province, 1990-91 and 2004-2005

Chart: Average undergraduate tuition fees, by province, 1990-91 and 2004-2005
Source: University tuition fees. Statistics Canada, The Daily, Thursday, September 2, 2004.

In British Columbia, where a tuition freeze was lifted in 2002-2003, average tuition fees increased the most for the third year in a row, reaching $4,735 in 2004-2005. Average tuition fees remain highest in Nova Scotia, at $5,984, followed by Ontario, at $4,960. Tuition fees are lowest in Quebec as a result of an eight-year freeze that has kept fees at an average of $1,683 a year for Quebec students. However, students from other provinces attending universities in Quebec will pay $4,599 on average, up 6.0% over 2003-2004.