Annual consumer price index (CPI) for Canada, all items (2002=100)

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Table 5
Annual consumer price index (CPI) for Canada, all items (2002=100)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Annual consumer price index (CPI) for Canada. The information is grouped by 1960 (appearing as row headers), 15.5 (appearing as column headers).
Year Consumer Price Index
1960 15.5
1961 15.7
1962 15.9
1963 16.1
1964 16.4
1965 16.8
1966 17.5
1967 18.1
1968 18.8
1969 19.7
1970 20.3
1971 20.9
1972 21.9
1973 23.6
1974 26.2
1975 29.0
1976 31.1
1977 33.6
1978 36.6
1979 40.0
1980 44.0
1981 49.5
1982 54.9
1983 58.1
1984 60.6
1985 63.0
1986 65.6
1987 68.5
1988 71.2
1989 74.8
1990 78.4
1991 82.8
1992 84.0
1993 85.6
1994 85.7
1995 87.6
1996 88.9
1997 90.4
1998 91.3
1999 92.9
2000 95.4
2001 97.8
2002 100.0
2003 102.8
2004 104.7
2005 107.0
2006 109.1
2007 111.5
2008 114.1
2009 114.4
2010 116.5
2011 119.9
2012 121.7
2013 122.8
2014 125.2
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