Historical low income cut-offs (LICOs) for the base years 1959 (for 1969), 1969, 1978, and 1986

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Table A.1
Low- income cut-offs (LICOs), 1959 base, before tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of Low- income cut-offs (LICOs). The information is grouped by Size of family unit (appearing as row headers), All areas, (no distinction by community size), 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons, 4 persons and 5 or more persons, calculated using Current dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Size of family unit All areas
(no distinction by community size)
1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 or more persons
Current dollars
1969 1,894 3,157 3,788 4,420 5,051


Table A.2
Low- income cut-offs (LICOs), 1969 base, before tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of Low- income cut-offs (LICOs). The information is grouped by Size of family unit (appearing as row headers), Community size, Rural areas
outside CMA or CA, Census Agglomeration (CA), Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), Less than
30,000 inhabitants, Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants, Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants and 500,000 inhabitants or more (appearing as column headers).
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas
outside CMA or CAtable 2 Note 1
Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Less than
30,000 inhabitantstable 2 Note 2
Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants 500,000 inhabitants or more
Current dollars
1 person 1,890 2,174 2,363 2,434 2,599
2 persons 2,741 3,152 3,426 3,529 3,769
3 persons 3,498 4,022 4,372 4,503 4,809
4 persons 4,159 4,783 5,199 5,355 5,719
5 persons 4,650 5,347 5,812 5,986 6,393
6 persons 5,104 5,870 6,380 6,571 7,018
7 or more persons 5,596 6,435 6,995 7,205 7,695


Table A.3
Low- income cut-offs (LICOs), 1978 base, before tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of Low- income cut-offs (LICOs). The information is grouped by Size of family unit (appearing as row headers), Community size, Rural areas
outside CMA or CA, Census Agglomeration (CA), Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), Less than
30,000 inhabitants, Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants, Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants and 500,000 inhabitants or more (appearing as column headers).
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas
outside CMA or CATable A.3 Note 1
Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Less than
30,000 inhabitantsTable A.3 Note 2
Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants 500,000 inhabitants or more
Current dollars
1 person 4,400 4,900 5,300 5,650 5,950
2 persons 5,750 6,450 6,950 7,450 7,850
3 persons 7,700 8,650 9,300 9,950 10,500
4 persons 8,900 10,000 10,750 11,500 12,100
5 persons 10,350 11,600 12,450 13,350 14,100
6 persons 11,300 12,650 13,600 14,550 15,400
7 or more persons 12,450 13,950 15,000 16,050 16,950


Table A.4 Low- income cut-offs (LICOs), 1986 base, before tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of table a.4 low- income cut-offs (licos). The information is grouped by size of family unit (appearing as row headers), community size, less than
30,000 inhabitants, between 30,000 and
99,999 inhabitants, between 100,000 and
499,999 inhabitants and 500,000 inhabitants or more, calculated using current dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas
outside CMA or CATable A.4 Note 1
Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Less than
30,000 inhabitantsTable A.4 Note 2
Between 30,000 and
99,999 inhabitants
Between 100,000 and
499,999 inhabitants
500,000 inhabitants or more
Current dollars
1 person 8,065 9,266 10,165 10,405 11,847
2 persons 10,933 12,561 13,779 14,105 16,059
3 persons 13,896 15,966 17,514 17,928 20,412
4 persons 15,999 18,382 20,164 20,641 23,501
5 persons 17,480 20,084 22,031 22,552 25,677
6 persons 18,974 21,800 23,914 24,479 27,871
7 or more persons 20,408 23,448 25,721 26,329 29,977


Table A.5 Low- income cut-offs (LICOs), 1986 base, after tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of table a.5 low- income cut-offs (licos). The information is grouped by size of family unit (appearing as row headers), community size, less than
30,000 inhabitants, between 30,000 and
99,999 inhabitants, between 100,000 and
499,999 inhabitants and 500,000 inhabitants or more, calculated using current dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas
outside CMA or CATable A.5 Note 1
Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Less than
30,000 inhabitantsTable A.5 Note 2
Between 30,000 and
99,999 inhabitants
Between 100,000 and
499,999 inhabitants
500,000 inhabitants or more
Current dollars
1 person 6,414 7,532 8,381 8,607 10,045
2 persons 8,696 10,212 11,364 11,669 13,620
3 persons 11,258 13,220 14,711 15,107 17,632
4 persons 13,242 15,550 17,304 17,769 20,739
5 persons 14,407 16,919 18,826 19,333 22,565
6 persons 15,399 18,083 20,123 20,664 24,118
7 or more persons 16,372 19,226 21,394 21,969 25,641
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