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Appendix 1 – SHS computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) questionnaire in 2008
Appendix 2 – SFS paper questionnaire in 2005
Appendix 3 – SFS paper questionnaire in 1999
Appendix 4 – SLIDCAPI questionnaire in 2008

Appendix 1 – Survey of Household Spending (SHS) computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) questionnaire in 2008

Personal Taxes, Security and Money Gifts (TX)

The next section refers to the personal taxes, security and money gifts for persons 15 years and over on December 31, 2008.

Interviewer: Amounts for persons 14 years and under (born after 1993) should be reported in a parent's column.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: income tax on 2008 income?

Exclude taxes paid in 2009 on 2008 income.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: income tax on income for years prior to 2008?

Include taxes paid in 2008 on income earned in 2007 or earlier.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: other personal taxes, for example, gift tax?

If TX_Q030 >0 or NonResponse, Go To TX_Q030S


Interviewer: Specify.

The following questions are concerning security and employment-related payments.

Exclude Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions (record in question CA_Q040).


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: premiums on life, term and endowment insurance?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: annuity contracts and transfers to Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: deductions from pay for employment insurance (EI) and Quebec parental insurance (QPIP)?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: government retirement or pension fund, including federal, provincial and municipal government funds?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: Canada/Quebec pension plan?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: other retirement or pension funds?

Exclude RRSP contributions (record in question CA_Q040).


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for: dues to unions and professional associations?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] pay for support payments to a former spouse or partner?

Include alimony, separation allowance or child support.

The following questions concern money gifts, contributions and other support payments to persons who were not household members.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] spend on: money gifts given to persons living in Canada?

Exclude support payments just reported.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] spend on: money gifts given to persons living outside Canada?

Exclude support payments just reported.


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] spend on charitable contributions to: religious organizations?


In 2008, how much did [member's first name] spend on charitable contributions to: other charitable organizations?
For example, workplace charitable campaigns, Heart fund, Cancer society.

Go To Block CA

Appendix 2 – Survey of Financial Security (SFS) paper questionnaire in 2005

U6. In 2004, did you (or any family member in the household) give any amounts for living expenses to any family member outside your household (e.g. children, parents).

Do not include alimony or child support previously reported.

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No Go to U8

U7. What was the total amount of this financial assistance paid for the year?

Amount $

U8. In 2004, did you (or any family member in the household) receive any amounts for living expenses from any family member outside your household ( i.e. children, elderly parents). Do not include alimony or child support previously reported.

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No Go to U10

U9. What was the total amount of this financial assistance received for the year?

Amount $

Appendix 3 – SFS paper questionnaire in 1999

K Transfer of money between households

Now I have a few questions about money given to or received from family members.

K1. In 1998, did you (or any family member in the household) give financial assistance, a substantial gift or sum of money to any family member(s) outside your household?

  • 1 Yes
  • 2 No_ Go to K4

K2. To whom was it given? (Relationship to the person giving the assistance, gift or cash transfer.)

Mark all that apply.

  • 3 Son/daughter
  • 4 Parent
  • 5 Brother/sister
  • 6 Ex-spouse/ex-partner
  • 7 Grandparent
  • 8 Grandchild
  • 9 Other relative

K3. Was it given once, on occasion or on an ongoing basis?

Mark all that apply.

  • 1 Once
  • 2 On occasion
  • 3 Ongoing

K4. In 1998, was financial assistance or a substantial gift or sum of money received from family members outside your household?

  • 4 Yes
  • 5 No _ Go to K7

K5. Who gave it? (Relationship to person receiving assistance, gift or cash transfer.)

Mark all that apply.

  • 1 Son/daughter
  • 2 Parent
  • 3 Brother/sister
  • 4 Ex-spouse/ex-partner
  • 5 Grandparent
  • 6 Grandchild
  • 7 Other relative

K6. Was it received once, on occasion or on an ongoing basis?

Mark all that apply.

  • 1 Once
  • 2 On occasion
  • 3 Ongoing

K7. Now, considering only persons in the household, in 1998 were any loans made between family members? Include only loans where the amount is significant and where the money is expected to be repaid.

  • 4 Yes
  • 5 No

Appendix 4 – Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) CAPI questionnaire in 2008

6.5 SP Module


In [reference year], did you RECEIVE any support payments from a former spouse or partner? By support payments we mean alimony, separation allowance, or child support.

In [reference year], did he RECEIVE any support payments from a former spouse or partner? By support payments we mean alimony, separation allowance, or child support.

In [reference year], did she RECEIVE any support payments from a former spouse or partner? By support payments we mean alimony, separation allowance, or child support.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


What was the total amount you RECEIVED in support payments in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he RECEIVED in support payments in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she RECEIVED in support payments in [reference year]?


In [reference year], did you PAY any support payments to a former spouse or partner?

In [reference year], did he PAY any support payments to a former spouse or partner?

In [reference year], did she PAY any support payments to a former spouse or partner?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


What was the total amount you PAID in support payments in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he PAID in support payments in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she PAID in support payments in [reference year]?


In [reference year], did you give any money to family members who were not living with you?

In [reference year], did he give any money to family members who were not living with him?

In [reference year], did she give any money to family members who were not living with her?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


In [reference year], did you make any regular payments on behalf of any family member who was not living with you?

In [reference year], did he make any regular payments on behalf of any family member who was not living with him?

In [reference year], did she make any regular payments on behalf of any family member who was not living with her?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


What was the total amount [you] gave to persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he gave to persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she gave to persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

  • Hard range:
    • minimum: $ 1
    • maximum: $ 200000
  • Soft range:
    • maximum: $ 50000


What was the total amount you gave to persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he gave to persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she gave to persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

  • Hard range:
    • minimum: $ 1
    • maximum: $ 200000
  • Soft range:
    • maximum: $ 50000


To which countries was this money sent?


In [reference year], did you receive any money from family members who were not living with you?

In [reference year], did he receive any money from family members who were not living with him?

In [reference year], did she receive any money from family members who were not living with her?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


In [reference year], were any regular payments made on your behalf by any family member who was not living with you?

In [reference year], were any regular payments made on his behalf by any family member who was not living with him?

In [reference year], were any regular payments made on her behalf by any family member who was not living with her?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: Refuse
  • 9: Don't know


What was the total amount you received from persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he received from persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she received from persons living in Canada in [reference year]?

  • Hard range:
    • minimum: $ 1
    • maximum: $ 200000
  • Soft range:
    • maximum: $ 50000


What was the total amount you received from persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount he received from persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

What was the total amount she received from persons living outside of Canada in [reference year]?

  • Hard range:
    • minimum: $ 1
    • maximum: $ 200000
  • Soft range:
    • maximum: $ 50000


From which countries was this money sent?


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