Guide to the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2017

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Release date: June 15, 2017 Correction date: (if required)

1 Survey description

The Job Vacancy and Wage survey (JVWS) is made up of two components: the Job Vacancy Component and the Wage Component.

The Job Vacancy Component of the JVWS collects data on the number of job vacancies by occupation and economic region on a quarterly basis. Additional information is also available by occupation, such as the average hourly wage offered, the proportion of job vacancies for full- and part-time positions, the duration of job vacancies, and the level of education and experience sought for the job.

The Wage Component of the JVWS collects data on the average hourly wage paid to full-time employees by occupation and economic region. Additional information is also available by occupation, such as the average hourly wage paid including incentive and performance pay, and the number of employees receiving incentive and performance pay. The results of the Wage Component are published on an annual basis.

Data from the Job Vacancy Component can be useful for identifying labour market pressures in certain regions and occupations in Canada. Detailed information is collected about each vacancy to get a comprehensive picture of the unmet labour demand in Canada. Information from the Wage Component can help employers assess the competitiveness of their business and help Canadians make more informed training and education decisions. Together, the two components of the JVWS add to the labour market information available to support decision making by employers, job seekers, students and policy makers.

2 Concepts and definitions

2.1 Concepts and definitions of the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey

This section provides users with definitions of the terms and variables associated with the survey.

Annual estimates: For the Wage Component of the JVWS, approximately 25,000 locations are sampled each quarter and collected over three months, for a total sample of 100,000 locations over the year. The number of payroll employees is a stock (or a count) of distinct jobs over twelve months and is not a weighted average of monthly estimates. Users should not disaggregate the annual estimates to monthly figures as the sample is designed to be representative of the year.

Average hourly wage offered: The average hourly wage offered by employers for vacant positions. It excludes overtime, tips, commissions and bonuses. Salaries are converted to hourly wages based on information regarding the salary frequency and the expected average number of hours worked per week. The offered wage may be different from the actual wage paid once the position is filled.

If the salaries among the job vacancies for the same occupation vary, the respondent is asked to report the lowest wage or salary. When the compensation advertised for the job vacancy is in the form of a salary range or an hourly pay range, the respondent is asked to report the lowest value of the range. If the work will be paid based on, for example, the number of parts produced, mileage or the number of times a task is performed, the respondent is asked to report the expected minimum salary.

Average full-time hourly wage paid: The average hourly wage paid by employers, before taxes and deductions, to full-time employees. It excludes overtime pay, tips, commissions, bonuses, haulage, kilometric or mileage pay, piecework rates, pension, and healthcare benefits. Reported salaries are converted to hourly wages based on the salary frequency and the average number of hours worked per week.

Estimates are calculated based on the number of full-time employees per occupation at the business location. For each location sampled, employers are asked to provide the number of employees for selected occupations at the National Occupational Classification 2016 unit group level (or 4-digit level) (see Occupation). For each occupation with full-time employees, the average wage is then collected. As a result, the average wage by occupation is weighted by the location weight, the occupation weight and the number of employees reported in the occupation at each location.

Average lowest/highest full-time hourly wage paid by business locations: The average of the lowest/highest hourly wages paid by employers, before taxes and deductions, to full-time employees. It excludes overtime pay, tips, commissions, bonuses, haulage, kilometric or mileage pay, piecework rates, pension, and healthcare benefits. Reported salaries are converted to hourly wages based on the salary frequency and the average number of hours worked per week.

Estimates are calculated at the business location and occupation level. For each location sampled, employers are asked to provide the lowest/highest wage paid for selected occupations at the National Occupational Classification 2016 4-digit level. The number of employees earning the lowest/highest wage is not collected and thus, the average lowest/highest wage by occupation is weighted by the location and occupation weights only. This differs from the ‘Average full-time hourly wage paid’, which is also weighted by the number of employees reported in the occupation at each location.

Duration of job vacancy: Number of days the job has been vacant. In the context of the JVWS, it refers to the number of days of active recruitment.

Economic region: An economic region (ER) is a grouping of complete census divisions (with one exception in Ontario) created as a standard geographic unit for analysis of regional economic activity. ERs are classified in accordance with the Standard Geographical Classification 2011.The JVWS publishes estimates for 69 ERs, seven of which are combined for consistency purposes with the Labour Force Survey. A list of ERs and Standard Geographical Classification codes by province is available in Appendix A.

Employees or payroll employees: The ‘employee’ concept used in the JVWS is comprised of full-time employees, part-time employees, as well as permanent, casual, temporary, and seasonal employees. It also includes working owners, directors, partners, and other officers of incorporated businesses, as well as employees who work at home or on the road but report to the location.

The ‘employee’ concept used in the JVWS is meant to exclude owners or partners of unincorporated businesses and professional practices, the self-employed, subcontractors, external consultants, unpaid family workers, persons working outside Canada, and military personnel. It also excludes employees on unpaid leave, such as those on extended sick leave who are receiving insurance benefits. JVWS employment estimates are calibrated to correspond to the employment estimates from the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH).

Industry: General nature of the activity carried out by the location as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012. This information is taken from the Business Register, a database containing the complete list of all active businesses in Canada that have a Canadian income tax account, are employers, or have a Goods and Services Tax account. Survey respondents are also asked to confirm the industry in which their business operates during the survey.

Job vacancies: A job is vacant if it meets the following conditions:

  • it is vacant on the reference date (first day of the month) or will become vacant during the month;
  • there are tasks to be carried out during the month for the job in question; and
  • the employer is actively seeking a worker outside the organization to fill the job.

The jobs could be full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, casual, or seasonal. Jobs reserved for subcontractors, external consultants, or other workers who are not considered employees, are excluded (see Employees or payroll employees).

Job vacancy rate: The number of job vacancies expressed as a percentage of labour demand; e.g., all occupied and vacant jobs.

Labour demand: The sum of employed individuals (met labour demand) and the number of job vacancies (unmet labour demand).

Level of education sought: Minimum level of education sought for the job vacancies. It includes a category that covers vacancies for which there is no educational requirement.

Level of experience sought: Minimum number of years of experience sought for the job vacancies.

Location: A statistical unit, defined as a production unit at a single geographical location, at or from which economic activity is conducted, and for which at least employment data are available.

Occupation: Designates the type of work that must be carried out, based on the job title and on the key activities or functions associated with the job vacancies. Occupations are classified according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016.

The NOC 2016 is a four-tiered hierarchical structure of occupational groups with successive levels of disaggregation. These levels are broad occupational categories (10), major groups (40), minor groups (140), and unit groups (500).

Professional certification: Designation granted that attests to the person’s ability to perform a job or task. Usually, certification is granted if the candidate passes an exam that tests the required knowledge and skills for a job. A certification is generally granted by a certifying agency or a professional association.

Quarterly estimates: For the Job Vacancy Component of the JVWS, 100,000 locations are sampled for the quarter and collected over three months. The number of job vacancies and the number of payroll employees are stocks (or counts) of distinct vacancies and jobs over three months and are not weighted averages of monthly estimates. Users should not disaggregate the estimates to monthly figures as the sample is designed to be representative of the quarter.

Recruitment strategies: Methods used by the employer to fill the job vacancy.

Type of position: Vacant jobs are classified as permanent, temporary or seasonal.

  • A permanent job is one that is expected to last as long as the employee wants it, given that business conditions permit. That is, there is no pre-determined termination date.
  • A temporary job has a predetermined end date, or will end as soon as a specified project is completed. Some temporary jobs are seasonal when they are linked to a recurring event (e.g., public holidays) or time of the year (e.g., summertime).

Type of work: A full-time job or vacancy requires 30 or more hours of work per week, while a part-time job or vacancy requires less than 30 hours of work per week.

2.2 Questionnaire development

The content and concepts of the questionnaire were developed through consultations with Employment and Social Development Canada. Qualitative testing took place through a series of interviews in both English and French conducted by Statistics Canada's Questionnaire Design Resource Centre. In these interviews, participants were asked for their comments about the terminology, the concepts, the appearance of the electronic questionnaire screens, and the ease of providing information.

Statistics Canada’s Business Payrolls Survey and job vacancy surveys used in other countries were also used as information sources in developing the survey’s content.

3 Survey methodology

3.1 Target and survey population

The JVWS target population includes all business locations in Canada, excluding religious organizations (NAICS 8131), private households (NAICS 814), and federal, provincial and territorial, as well as international and other extra-territorial public administrations (NAICS 911, 912 and 919).

The JVWS survey population comes from the Business Register (BR) of the Statistical Registers and Geography Division at Statistics Canada. The BR is updated continuously using data from various surveys, business profiling and administrative data.

In addition to the industry exclusions mentioned earlier, the survey population also excludes locations that have not reported any payroll deductions for a period of more than 17 months, locations not eligible for sampling, and new locations for which the industry or economic region is missing in the BR. In addition, locations with only one employee have been excluded from the survey population to reduce the response burden on small businesses.

Given that the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH) and the JVWS target populations are very similar, employment estimates produced from the JVWS survey population data have been calibrated to ensure they correspond to those from the SEPH. Data calibration improves the reliability of the estimates (see the sub-section entitled Estimation).

3.2 Sample

The JVWS is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design. The sample is selected from a survey population of close to 900,000 locations.

The survey is conducted on a sample of 100,000 locations.Note 1 The Job Vacancy Component collects information on the whole sample on a quarterly basis, while the Wage Component collects information on approximately one-fourth of the sample each quarter. Since the beginning of 2017, part of the sample is replaced each quarter. With the exception of certain locations which are in sample on a permanent basis due to their unique characteristics, most sampled locations will remain in the sample for two years or eight quarters. Note that locations that were part of the 2015 and 2016 sample may remain in the sample for over two years, as the rotating out of locations is done gradually. Every three months, the JVWS sampling frame is updated to reflect new locations added to the Business Register and to eliminate those that no longer exist.

The JVWS sample is stratified by industry (at the two-digit NAICS level), geography (economic region) and size (number of employees per location). A power allocation method is used to determine the sample size in each stratum. The stratification and the power allocation method ensure the quality of the estimates for large and small regions and industries, as well as a better representation of all occupations.

While the Job Vacancy Component collects information on an exhaustive list of vacancies at all locations, the Wage Component collects information on a sampled list of 10 occupations.Note 2 These subsets of occupations are designed to have a unique composition that captures prevalent occupations within the location’s industry while maximizing the number of reliable estimates.Note 3

4 Data collection

The JVWS is a mandatory survey. Data are obtained directly from respondents using an electronic questionnaire. An invitation to complete the electronic questionnaire is sent by email to respondents with an electronic address on file. Selected businesses with no electronic address on file receive a letter inviting them to complete the electronic questionnaire. Alternate modes of collection, such as electronic spreadsheets, may be used to accommodate respondents with a large number of locations or occupations. Each quarterly sample is divided into three distinct monthly groups, each of which have the first day of the month as the reference period. This allows a better measure of the job vacancies throughout the quarter and a better measure of wages throughout the year. Respondents are asked to provide the information based on the situation in effect at their location on the first day of the month (the reference date).

During collection, follow-up is made by computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) in cases of non-response, and with locations that have reported being out of scope for the survey. During the collection period, reminders are sent to locations that have not yet completed the questionnaire, and, after three electronic reminders, follow-up calls are made to collect the data.

The questionnaire can be found on the Integrated Metadatabase (IMDB).

The following information is confirmed by the respondent in the Job Vacancy Component:

  • The legal and operating name of the location;
  • The name and contact information of the contact person;
  • The number of employees at the location; and
  • The location’s main activity sector (NAICS).

The following information is collected from the respondent in the Job Vacancy Component:

  • The number of job vacancies for each occupation at the location;
  • The full-time/part-time distribution of the vacant jobs in each occupation;
  • The permanent/temporary distribution of the vacant jobs in each occupation;
  • The number of seasonal job vacancies in each occupation;
  • The wage offered for full-time and part-time vacant jobs in each occupation;
  • The number of days that the jobs have been vacant;
  • The minimum level of education sought for the vacant jobs;
  • The professional certification required for the vacant jobs;
  • The minimum level of experience sought for the vacant jobs; and
  • The recruitment strategies used to fill the vacant jobs.

The following information is collected from the respondent in the Wage Component:

  • The number of full-time/part-time employees, by occupation;
  • The average, lowest and highest wage paid to full-time employees (excluding incentive and performance pay), by occupation;
  • Whether the lowest wage paid is equal to the entry level wage of full-time employees, by occupation; and
  • The average total pay of full-time employees usually making more than 20% of their total pay in the form of incentive and performance pay, by occupation; and
  • The types of incentive or performance pay (commissions, haulage, kilometric or mileage rates, piecework rates, or production and performance bonuses) paid to employees usually making more than 20% of their total pay in the form of incentive and performance pay, by occupation.

5 Data processing

5.1 Treatment of non-response

There are two types of non-response, each of which is treated differently for this survey:

  • Total (or unit) non-response: when the respondent does not respond to any of the survey questions;
  • Partial (or item) non-response: when the respondent only responds to certain survey questions.

Total non-response is handled by adjusting the weight (or reweighting) of the responding units to reflect all of the non-responding units.

In the case of partial non-response, imputation is used to fill in information not provided by the respondent. Imputation makes it possible to have a complete set of data if one cannot collect it during the collection period. Depending on the type of missing variables, a mix of regression and donor imputation methods are used. Most continuous variables, such as wage variables, are imputed by regression imputation. For donor imputation, the auxiliary information on the sampling frame is used to identify a donor (a responding unit) that has characteristics similar to that of the location with partial data. The missing data for the respondents with partial information are then replaced by the donor’s data.

5.2 Occupation coding

Occupation codes are assigned to each job vacancy using the job vacancy description reported in the questionnaire. In addition, occupation codes are assigned to each reported occupation that was not included in the locations’ sampled list of 10 occupations. Coding is performed manually and is assisted by a computerized procedure. Assigned codes are based on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 manuals.

5.3 Estimation

Estimating the characteristics of a population from a survey is based on the assumption that each sampled location represents a certain number of non-sampled locations in the population. An initial design weight is assigned to each location to indicate the number of units in the population represented by that location in the sample. Large or otherwise unique locations are assigned a weight of one to ensure that they only represent themselves. In the Wage Component, a second stage weight is also assigned to each occupation in the sampled list of 10 occupations presented for each location. The occupation weight is linked to the probability of an occupation being selected given its prevalence in the location’s industry. In the case of small locations with 10 employees or less, the weight assigned to each occupation is equal to one since these locations are expected to report an occupation for all of their employees.

Two adjustments are made to the initial weights to improve the reliability of the estimates. First, the initial weights are adjusted to compensate for total or almost total non-response. The non-response adjusted weights are then modified so that the weighted employment totals are calibrated to the employment totals from administrative sources provided by the SEPH. This calibration process ensures coherence between the JVWS and SEPH employment totals by province and industrial sector (two-digit level in the NAICS classification system) combined, with the exception of Prince Edward Island, where the calibration is by province alone. Similarly, the calibration for the territories is done by territory alone.

5.4 Historical revisions

Starting in 2017, the Job Vacancy Component will produce revised estimates, on an annual basis, for all previously published cycles.

The revised estimates, to be released in July of 2017, will include all previously published estimates for 2015 and 2016. The revised estimates will reflect the 2016 National Occupation Classification. Seven pairs of economic regions (14 economic regions in total) will be grouped. In addition, since the SEPH revises its employment estimates, the calibrated JVWS employment totals will change. Therefore, the final weights of each location will vary in the revised estimates.

6 Data quality

The estimates obtained from sample surveys are subject to both sampling and non-sampling errors.

6.1 Non-sampling errors

Non-sampling errors may occur throughout a survey for reasons such as non-response, coverage and classification errors (see the sub-section entitled Undercoverage), differences in the interpretation of the question, incorrect information from respondents, as well as mistakes during data capture, coding, and processing. Efforts to reduce non-sampling errors include careful design of questionnaires, editing of data, follow-up, imputation for non-responding units, and thorough control of processing operations.

The JVWS has a quality control program that is applied to data capture, business structure updating and data editing stages to minimize non-sampling errors. This program monitors and controls the completeness, accuracy and consistency of the reported data. Follow-up procedures are in place for non-response.

6.1.1 Undercoverage

The use of sampling frames results in coverage errors, notably undercoverage. Undercoverage occurs when the information on a location is incomplete in the Business Register. This normally happens in the case of new locations that have not yet filed payroll deduction forms with the Canada Revenue Agency.

6.2 Sampling errors

Sampling errors occur because observations are obtained from a sample rather than from the entire population. Estimates based on a sample can differ from statistics that would have been obtained if a complete census had been taken using the same instructions, interviewers and processing techniques. This difference is called the sampling error of the estimate.

6.3 Data quality indicators

The true sampling error is unknown. However, it can be estimated from the sample itself by using a statistical measure called the standard error. The standard error can be used to build a confidence interval for the estimate. When the standard error is expressed as a percentage of the estimate, it is known as the relative standard error or the coefficient of variation (CV).

Most of the JVWS data points have their own data quality indicator. Estimates are assigned a letter to indicate their quality level. The indicators take into account various factors that affect the quality of the data, notably the CV, the non-response errors, and the imputation errors. These indicators are updated each quarter to reflect the current estimate of quality for individual data points.

The response rate for the Job Vacancy Component of the survey tends to be about 84%, while response rate of the Wage Component of the survey tends to be about 69%.

Users are encouraged to take into account the quality indicators when using the JVWS data.

As shown in Table 1, the quality indicators are:

A — Excellent;

B — Very good;

C — Good;

D — Acceptable;

E — Use with caution;

F — Too unreliable to be published.

Table 1
Quality indicators for JVWS estimatesTable 1 Note 1Table 1 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Quality indicators for JVWS estimates. The information is grouped by Coefficient of variation (appearing as row headers), Payroll employment (appearing as column headers).
Coefficient of variation Quality indicators
0% to 4.99% A
5% to 9.99% B
10% to 14.99% C
15% to 24.99% D
25% to 34.99% E
35% or more, or when there is an insufficient number of contributors Note F: too unreliable to be published

6.4 Confidentiality

Statistics Canada is prohibited, by law, from releasing any data that would divulge information obtained under the Statistics Act, which relates to any identifiable person, business or organization without their prior knowledge or written consent. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

The results of the JVWS are reviewed using the appropriate security measures complying with the Statistics Act to assure the safeguarding of the respondent’s information and to ensure that no enterprise may be identified through the release of the estimates.

6.5 Comparing employment estimates from the Job Vacancy Component and the Wage Component

The Job Vacancy Component and the Wage Component both measure and provide payroll employment estimates by province, economic region and industry. Estimates from the Job Vacancy Component are released on a quarterly basis, while estimates from the Wage Component are released on an annual basis and are annual averages of quarterly estimates. As is the case for all surveys, a degree of variability is associated with the JVWS estimates since they come from a sample of locations and not from a census of locations. The degree of variability of an estimate is summarized by its quality indicator.

Due to non-sampling errors, sampling errors, calibration effects and differences in the response rate, annual employment estimates from the two components may not be equal for the same province, economic region or industry. Thorough validation procedures are put in place to minimize discrepancies of employment estimates for the same province, economic region or industry. Users are encouraged to take into account quality indicators when analyzing estimates from the JVWS.

7 Comparing the Job Vacancy Component of the JVWS and the Job Vacancy Statistics

Statistics Canada has two measures of job vacancy levels and rates: the JVWS and the Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS), the latter of which is based primarily on data from the Business Payrolls Survey.Note 4

Some methodological differences exist between the JVWS and the JVS. The main methodological differences are described in Table 2. Users are encouraged to take these into account when comparing data from the two sources.

Table 2
Comparison of the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) and the Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Comparison of the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) and the Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS) JVWS and JVS (appearing as column headers).
Population All businesses with two employees or more, excluding:
• private household services;
• religious organizations;
• provincial, territorial and federal public administration; and
• international and other extraterritorial public administration.
All businesses, excluding:
• private household services;
• religious organizations;
• provincial, territorial and federal public administration;
• international and other extraterritorial public administration; and
• businesses primarily involved in agriculture, fishing and trapping.
Sample size The JVWS surveys approximately 100,000 locations quarterly (about 33,000 per month). The JVS uses the Business Payrolls Survey (BPS) as its main data collection vehicle. The BPS surveys approximately 15,000 establishments monthly.
Sampling unit Location level
• e.g., the individual business location (store or restaurant) is generally surveyed.
Establishment level
• An establishment can represent a group of locations.
• e.g., for a large retailer or restaurant chain, the head office is generally surveyed.
Respondents JVWS respondents are more likely to be directly responsible for human resources. BPS respondents are more likely to be responsible for the payroll of the company.
Job vacancy concept The number of vacant jobs on the first day of the month and those that will become vacant during the month.
A job is vacant if it meets the following conditions:
• it is vacant on the reference date (first day of the month) or will become vacant during the month;
• there are tasks to be carried out during the month for the job in question; and
• the employer is actively seeking a worker outside the organization to fill the job.
The number of vacant jobs on the last day of the month, since this is the reference period of the supplementary questions on vacant positions of the Business Payrolls Survey.
A job is vacant if it meets all three of the following conditions :
• a specific position exists;
• work could start within 30 days; and
• the employer is actively seeking a worker from outside the organization to fill the position.

8 Comparing wage estimates from the Wage Component of the JVWS and the SEPH

Wage data are available in several Statistics Canada surveys and the definition of wages or earnings tend to vary across surveys. The SEPH and the JVWS are the two employer surveys collecting data on employees’ wages and earnings. The SEPH provides a monthly portrait of the earnings, payroll jobs (i.e., occupied positions) and hours worked by detailed industry (4-digit NAICS) at the national and provincial/territorial levels. Although the target populations of the two surveys are similar, methodological differences exist between the JVWS and the SEPH:

  • SEPH monthly survey estimates are produced by using a combination of a census of payroll deduction accounts provided by the Canada Revenue Agency and the Business Payrolls Survey (BPS), which collects data from a sample of 15,000 businesses;
  • The SEPH excludes businesses that are primarily involved in agriculture, fishing and trapping and includes provincial, territorial and federal public administration;
  • The SEPH samples at the establishment level. An establishment can represent a group of locations;
  • The reference period for the SEPH is the last seven days of the month; and
  • Hourly wages from the SEPH include many types of special payments including bonuses, commission, cost of living adjustment, retro pay, and working owners draw.

Additionally, estimates from the SEPH are not available by occupation nor by economic region. Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the objectives, methodology and concepts of both surveys in order to determine which survey estimates better fit their needs.

9 Products and services

9.1 General inquiries

For inquiries on available data tables, contact Statistics Canada's Statistical Information Service (toll-free) 1-800-263-1136; international 1-514-283-8300;

Appendix A

Table A.1
List of economic regions and Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) codes by province and territory
Economic regions by province and territory Code
Newfoundland and Labrador 10
Avalon Peninsula 1010
South Coast–Burin Peninsula and Notre Dame–Central Bonavista Bay 1020, 1040
West Coast–Northern Peninsula–Labrador 1030
Prince Edward Island 11
Prince Edward Island 1110
Nova Scotia 12
Cape Breton 1210
North Shore 1220
Annapolis Valley 1230
Southern 1240
Halifax 1250
New Brunswick 13
Campbellton–Miramichi 1310
Moncton–Richibucto 1320
Saint John–St. Stephen 1330
Fredericton–Oromocto 1340
Edmundston–Woodstock 1350
Quebec 24
Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine 2410
Bas-Saint-Laurent 2415
Capitale-Nationale 2420
Chaudière-Appalaches 2425
Estrie 2430
Centre-du-Québec 2433
Montérégie 2435
Montréal 2440
Laval 2445
Lanaudière 2450
Laurentides 2455
Outaouais 2460
Abitibi-Témiscamingue 2465
Mauricie 2470
Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean 2475
Côte-Nord and Nord-du-Québec 2480, 2490
Ontario 35
Ottawa 3510
Kingston–Pembroke 3515
Muskoka–Kawarthas 3520
Toronto 3530
Kitchener–Waterloo–Barrie 3540
Hamilton–Niagara Peninsula 3550
London 3560
Windsor–Sarnia 3570
Stratford–Bruce Peninsula 3580
Northeast 3590
Northwest 3595
Manitoba 46
Southeast 4610
South Central and North Central 4620, 4640
Southwest 4630
Winnipeg 4650
Interlake 4660
Parklands and North 4670, 4680
Saskatchewan 47
Regina–Moose Mountain 4710
Swift Current–Moose Jaw 4720
Saskatoon–Biggar 4730
Yorkton–Melville 4740
Prince Albert and Northern 4750, 4760
Alberta 48
Lethbridge–Medicine Hat 4810
Camrose–Drumheller 4820
Calgary 4830
Banff-Jasper-Rocky Mountain House and Athabasca-Grande Prairie-Peace River 4840, 4870
Red Deer 4850
Edmonton 4860
Wood Buffalo–Cold Lake 4880
British Columbia 59
Vancouver Island and Coast 5910
Lower Mainland–Southwest 5920
Thompson–Okanagan 5930
Kootenay 5940
Cariboo 5950
North Coast and Nechako 5960, 5970
Northeast 5980
Yukon 60
Yukon 6010
Northwest Territories 61
Northwest Territories 6110
Nunavut 62
Nunavut 6210

Appendix B – Note regarding the estimates of the Job Vacancy Component for the first quarter of 2015

For the first quarter of 2015, information was collected on 67,000 locations obtained from the regular quarterly sample, or two-thirds of the regular sample. Since only two-thirds of the sample, corresponding to February and March, were collected, estimates for the first quarter of 2015 are subject to higher sampling variability. As a result, comparisons of the first quarter of 2015 data with data from subsequent quarters should be made with caution.

The response rate for the two collection months of the first quarter of 2015 was 66.8%. However, since only two-thirds of the sample was collected, the effective response rate is 44.1%. The effective response rate has an impact on data accuracy and, consequently, on the quality indicators of the first quarter of 2015 data.

To account for the missing sample units, the quality indicators for all variables, with the exception of payroll employment, have been lowered.

Table B.1
Quality indicators by variable for the Job Vacancy Component data from the first quarter of 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Quality indicators by variable for the Job Vacancy Component data from the first quarter of 2015. The information is grouped by Coefficient of variation (appearing as row headers), Variable (appearing as column headers).
Coefficient of variation Variable
Payroll employment Other variables (e.g., job vacancies, job vacancy rates, average offered hourly wage)
0% to 4.99% A C
5% to 9.99% B D
10% to 14.99% C E
15% to 24.99% D E
25% to 34.99% E E
35% or more Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published

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Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS), job vacancies, job vacancy rate and average offered hourly wage by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), unadjusted for seasonality, quarterly
Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS), job vacancies and average offered hourly wage by economic region and detailed National Occupational Classification (NOC), unadjusted for seasonality, quarterly
Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS), job vacancies and average offered hourly wage by detailed National Occupational Classification (NOC) and job vacancy characteristics, unadjusted for seasonality, quarterly
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Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS), average lowest and average highest full-time hourly wages paid at business locations by detailed National Occupational Classification (NOC), annual
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