Table A1
Distribution of Aboriginal women aged 20 to 44, by Aboriginal identity and selected characteristics, 2012

Table A1
Distribution of Aboriginal women aged 20 to 44, by Aboriginal identity and selected characteristics, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of Aboriginal women aged 20 to 44 Aboriginal identity, Off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Aboriginal identity
Off-reserve First Nations Métis Inuit
Motherhood status
Early mothers 27.9 19.9 45.1
Other mothers 41.5 46.4 31.9
Childless women 30.5 33.7 22.8
Motherhood status and high school completion
Early mothers, no diploma 10.5 8.4 26.9
Other mothers, no diploma 8.0 7.2 13.2
Childless women, no diploma 3.9 2.7 8.7Note E: Use with caution
Early mothers, with diploma 17.4 11.4 18.1
Other mothers, with diploma 33.4 39.1 18.7
Childless women, with diploma 26.5 30.9 14.1
High school completion
Yes 77.4 81.5 51.1
No 22.5 18.5 48.8
Yes 63.5 74.1 56.6
No 36.4 25.8 43.3
Age group
20 to 24 years 19.4 21.1 26.4
25 to 29 years 17.5 20.8 20.9
30 to 34 years 18.5 22.2 18.8
35 to 39 years 23.4 18.4 16.0
40 to 44 years 20.9 17.3 17.7
Inuit Nunangat
Yes Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 72.2
No Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 27.7
Parental education
At least one parent with a high school diploma 71.0 76.5 37.2
Neither parent with a high school diploma 16.7 16.4 32.5
Unknown 12.2 7.0 30.2
Repeated a grade
Yes 26.2 19.2 38.8
No 73.7 80.8 61.2
Above average 35.1 39.3 26.8
Average 59.0 55.0 63.2
Below average 5.7 5.6 9.8
Close friends who dropped out of school
Most or all 14.9 9.5 25.8
None or some 85.0 90.4 74.1
Felt safe at school
Yes 90.4 92.1 93.0
No 9.5 7.8 6.9Note E: Use with caution
School supported Aboriginal cultures
Yes 45.3 42.0 78.6
No 54.7 57.9 21.3
Yes 17.1 14.0 10.2Note E: Use with caution
No 82.8 85.9 89.7
Living arrangements
Couple without children 11.4 13.2 8.9
Couple with children 38.8 46.4 58.1
Lone parent 34.4 25.3 21.9
One-person household 8.5 8.2 3.9Note E: Use with caution
Other 6.7 6.7 6.9Note E: Use with caution
Self-perceived overall health status
Poor 26.2 22.1 20.9
Good 73.7 77.8 79.0
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