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Adsett, Margaret. 2003. “Change in political era and demographic weight as explanations of youth ‘disenfranchisement’ in federal elections in Canada, 1965–2000.” Journal of Youth Studies. Vol. 6, no. 3. September. p. 247-264.
Archer, Keith. 2003. “Increasing youth voter registration: Best practices in targeting young electors.” Electoral Insight. Vol. 5, no. 2. July. Elections Canada. p. 26-30.
Bauman, Kurt and Tiffany Julian. 2010. A Summary of Data Collection Procedures and Reports of Voter Turnout from the Current Population Survey. Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Working Paper 2010-11. Washington, D.C. Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, United States Census Bureau. 25 p.
Bevelander, Pieter and Ravi Pendakur. 2009. “Social capital and voting participation of immigrants and minorities in Canada.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 32, no. 8. September. p. 1406-1430.
Bevelander, Pieter and Ravi Pendakur. 2007. Minorities, Social Capital and Voting. IZA Discussion Paper No. 2928. Bonn. Institute for the Study of Labor. 26 p.
Blais, André and Daniel Rubenson. 2013. “The source of turnout decline: New values or new contexts?” Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 46, no. 1. January. p. 95-117.
Blais, André, Elisabeth Gidengil, Neil Nevitte and Richard Nadeau. 2004. “Where does turnout decline come from?” European Journal of Political Research. Vol. 43, no. 2. March. p. 221-236.
Elections Canada. 2016. On-reserve voter turnout – 42nd general election. June 13.
Gray, Mark and Miki Caul. 2000. “Declining voter turnout in advanced industrial democracies, 1950 to 1997: The effects of declining group mobilization.” Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 33, no. 9. November. p. 1091-1122.
Holbrook, Allyson L. and Jon A. Krosnick. 2010. “Social desirability bias in voter turnout reports: Tests using the item count technique.” Public Opinion Quarterly. Vol. 74, no. 1. Spring. p. 37-67.
Howe, Paul. 2008. Engendering Engagement Among Young Canadians: A Holistic Approach. Paper presented at the Civic Education and Political Participation Workshop, June 17–19. Montréal. Université de Montréal. 21 p.
Milan, Anne. 2005. “Willing to participate: Political engagement of young adults.” Canadian Social Trends. No. 79. Winter. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-X. p. 2-7.
Nakhaie, M. Reza. 2006. “Electoral Participation in Municipal, Provincial and Federal Elections in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 39, no. 2. June. p. 363-390.
Statistics Canada, 2016. “Reasons for not voting in the federal election, October 19, 2015.” The Daily. February 22. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.
Turcotte, Martin. 2015. “Political participation and civic engagement of youth”. Insights on Canadian Society. October. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-006-X.
United States Census Bureau. 2010. Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2008: Population Characteristics. P20-562. Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, United States Census Bureau. 17 p.
Uppal, Sharanjit and Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté. 2012. “Factors associated with voting.” Perspectives on Labour and Income. Spring. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.
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