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Table 10 Reasons for not having foreign credentials assessed after six months or four years in Canada

  Six months after landing Four years after landing
Total 100.0 100.0
No need/want to work in another field 4.9 23.0
Haven't had time/too busy 24.1 16.1
I know my credentials would not be accepted (friend told me, common knowledge, etc.) 9.0 11.7
Not a main priority (e.g., need to learn or improve language skills first) 3.3 10.2
I know my credentials would be accepted 6.4 9.8
Don't know where/how to get my credentials assessed/process too complicated 15.0 7.3
Cannot afford to have them assessed 3.0 3.7
Planning to return to school 5.5 3.6
Assessments would not be recognized by employers 4.7 1.6
Other reasons 24.1 13.0
Source: Statistics Canada, Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, 2000 to 2005.