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Perspectives on Labour and Income - December 2007

Work stress and job performance

Jungwee Park

  • Workers with high-strain jobs were almost two times more likely than those with low-strain jobs to report reduced work activities (odds ratio for men, 1.7; for women, 1.6).
  • On a long-term basis, both men and women with physically demanding jobs were about 1.6 times more likely than those in other jobs to reduce their work activities in the following two years.
  • One in five women with high-strain jobs reported at least one disability day in the previous two weeks.
  • Men in physical jobs were 2.2 times more likely to have a work absence than men in non-physical jobs.
  • Workers who perceived their jobs to be less secure were more likely not to be in labour force two years later (odds ratios were 1.5 for men, 1.3 for women).

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Jungwee Park is with the Labour and Household Surveys Analysis Division. He can be reached at 613-951-4598 or