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Employment Insurance Statistics Maps


In order to provide reliable and frequent regional labour market information, this monthly publication provides a set of maps presenting the number of regular Employment Insurance beneficiaries. These maps complete the analysis published simultaneously in The Daily.

The maps show the percentage change in number of people receiving regular Employment Insurance benefits in the last 12 months, by Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Census Agglomerations (CAs). Data are also shown in a tabular format.

The CMAs and CAs in Canada (2001 Census geography) were divided into five groups or quintiles, ranked from the smallest to the largest percentage change in the number of regular beneficiaries.

The map of Canada has the advantage of showing all regions where the number of regular beneficiaries is rising or lowering. On this map, all CMAs or CAs are represented, but only the CMAs are labeled, and some cities may be difficult to see.

The other maps contain the exact same information, but for a reduced geographic zone. By focusing on large centers of one or more province or territory, they have the advantage of distinguishing better most of the CAs. Moreover, the names of all CMAs and CAs are labeled.

Finally, the table provides the data for all CMAs and CAs, as well as the associated quintile.