Spending by Canadian businesses on environmental protection
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The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:
- Table 38-10-0130-01 Capital and operating expenditures on environmental activities by industry (x 1,000,000)
- Table 38-10-0131-01 Capital and operating expenditures on environmental activities by geographic region (x 1,000,000)
- Table 38-10-0145-01 Capital and operating expenditures on resource management activities by industry (x 1,000,000)
- Table 38-10-0146-01 Capital and operating expenditures on resource management activities by geographic region (x 1,000,000)
Additional information
For more information on how to use this tool, consult the guide “How to use” available on this page (top right).
For information on symbol legend please check Standard table symbols.
Totals may not add due to rounding.
Disaggregated industries estimates, and regional estimates are available in the published data tables (section Data). 2018 estimates can also be consulted in those data tables.
Due to estimates too unreliable to be published (symbol F in the data tables), or when no expenditures is reported, some selected categories may remain empty in the map and/or charts. The sum of the data breakdown may not equal the aggregate estimates on this dashboard when “estimates too unreliable to be published’ are observed.
Environmental protection expenditures group expenditures on both environmental protection activities and resources management activities.
- Environmental protection activities include atmospheric pollution management; solid waste management; wastewater management; protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water; protection and restoration of biodiversity and habitat; clean vehicles and transportation technologies; environmental monitoring; environmental assessments and audits; relevant training and administrative costs, etc.
- Resource management activities include heat or energy savings and management, the purchase of biofuels, biochemical products or biomaterials, as well as the production of energy from nuclear or renewable sources.
Capital expenditures: All relevant outlays for machinery and equipment and their installation that have been capitalized, as well as for the construction of non-residential facilities.
Operating expenses: All expenses related to environmental protection incurred for labour, materials and supplies, maintenance and repair, and purchased services.
Industry groups
To lighten this data visualization, industries have been grouped. Details are available in the published data tables, accessible in the Data section. Industries are presented under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Utilities (energy) category includes the following industries: Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (NAICS 2211) and Natural gas distribution (NAICS 2212).
Oil and gas and related activities category includes the following industries: Oil and gas extraction (NAICS 211), Petroleum and coal product manufacturing (NAICS 324), and Pipeline transportation (NAICS 486).
Forest sector activities category includes the following industries: Logging (except contract) (NAICS 113311), Wood product manufacturing (NAICS 321), Paper manufacturing (NAICS 322), and Furniture and related product manufacturing (NAICS 337).
Metal and general manufacturing category includes the following industries: Primary metal manufacturing (NAICS 331), Fabricated metal product manufacturing (NAICS 332), Transportation equipment manufacturing (NAICS 336), and Machinery manufacturing (NAICS 333).
Chemical manufacturing category includes the following industries: Chemical manufacturing (NAICS 325), Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (NAICS 327), and Plastics and rubber products manufacturing (NAICS 326).
Mining and quarrying category includes the following industries: Coal mining (NAICS 2121), Metal ore mining (NAICS 2122), Shale, clay and refractory mineral mining and quarrying (NAICS 212326), and Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying (NAICS 21239).
Food and beverage manufacturing category includes the following industries: Food manufacturing (NAICS 311), and Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing (NAICS 312).
Other manufacturing industries category includes the following industries: Textile mills (NAICS 313), Textile product mills (NAICS 314), Clothing manufacturing (NAICS 315), Leather and allied product manufacturing (NAICS 316), Printing and related support activities (NAICS 323), Computer and electronic product manufacturing (NAICS 334), Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing (NAICS 335), and Miscellaneous manufacturing (NAICS 339).
How to use
How to use this interactive visual
- Choose “Export data” to export the data in either .xlsx or .csv format;
- Show as table presents the data in a table format; and/or
- View the table in spotlight mode.
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips are available by entering the visual and pressing CTRL + Enter.
While in the visual, pressing SHIFT + "?" will open the keyboard shortcuts.
When focus is on a visual, the data table can be displayed by pressing ALT + SHIFT + F11.
More information
Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
Standards of service to the public
Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients.
Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,
Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
Catalogue no. 71-607-X
- Date modified: