Transportation Statistics: Interactive Dashboard
Fuel Sales


The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:

This application is based on estimates from Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuels Sold. The purpose of the survey is to collect data on gasoline and other petroleum fuels sold in Canada. The data used for the application include net sales of gasoline, diesel fuels and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Start of visual interactive dashboard. Changing any selection will automatically update page content.

Net sales of fuel used for road motor vehicles

Changing any selection will automatically update the page content. These changes are reflected in the data table as well.

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End of visual interactive dashboard

Additional information


Motor vehicle fuel sales data is derived by subtracting the amount of fuel applied for road tax refund from the total amount of fuel sold in each month; application for road tax refund very often is a culmination of several months’ value and likely contains revision for previously submitted applications. These data are solely for the Department of Finance to calculate fiscal equalization payments to the Provinces and territories; they are not intended for direct comparison with other production, consumption or deployment of fuel sales data.
“Net sales of gasoline” (road grade), “Net sales of diesel oil” (road), and “Net sales of liquefied petroleum gas” represent sales on which taxes were remitted at road-use rates minus sales previously reported at road-use tax rates on which taxes were totally or partially refunded.

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