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Table 18. Regional unemployment rates used by the Employment Insurance Program¹, seasonally adjusted, 3 month moving average

Region Effective from April 10, 2005 to May 7, 2005.
Unemployment rate
Newfoundland and Labrador  
01. St.John's 8.4
02. Newfoundland and Labrador 19.0
Prince Edward Island  
03. Prince Edward Island 10.4
Nova Scotia  
04. Eastern Nova Scotia 16.0
05. Western Nova Scotia 9.7
06. Halifax 6.3
New Brunswick  
07. Fredericton-Moncton-Saint John 6.9
08. Madawaska-Charlotte2 11.3
09. Restigouche-Albert 15.2
10. Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine 19.4
11. Québec 5.4
12. Trois-Rivières 10.2
13. South Central Quebec 7.2
14. Sherbrooke 7.0
15. Montérégie 7.3
16. Montréal 8.4
17. Central Quebec 9.1
18. Northwestern Quebec 11.3
19. Bas-Saint-Laurent-Côte-Nord3 12.4
20. Gatineau 7.9
21. Saguenay 9.1
22. Ottawa 6.5
23. Eastern Ontario 7.5
24. Kingston 7.1
25. Central Ontario 6.6
26. Oshawa 7.1
27. Toronto 7.5
28. Hamilton 5.1
29. St. Catharines 6.1
30. London 6.5
31. Niagara 7.8
32. Windsor 8.9
33. Kitchener 5.2
34. Huron 6.5
35. South Central Ontario 3.9
36. Sudbury 7.4
37. Thunder Bay 7.9
38. Northern Ontario 9.4
39. Winnipeg 4.9
40. Southern Manitoba 6.9
41. Northern Manitoba 24.9
42. Regina 4.6
43. Saskatoon 5.0
44. Southern Saskatchewan 6.7
45. Northern Saskatchewan 14.4
46. Calgary 4.3
47. Edmonton 4.7
48. Northern Alberta 7.5
49. Southern Alberta 4.5
British Columbia  
50. Southern Interior British Columbia 7.5
51. Abbotsford 6.4
52. Vancouver 6.6
53. Victoria 6.2
54. Southern Coastal British Columbia 8.9
55. Northern British Columbia 11.4
56. Yukon Territory4 25.0
57. Northwest Territories4 25.0
58. Nunavut4 25.0

1 The boundaries of these regions are determined by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). For geographic descriptions and maps of employment insurance regions, see the HRSDC website:http://www14.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ei-ae/canadaei.htm.
2 This unemployment rate has been determined using a transition formula prescribed in the EI Regulations. For further information, see: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/cs/comm/news/2000/000913a_e.shtml.
3 This unemployment rate has been determined using a transition formula prescribed in the EI Regulations. For further information, see: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/cs/comm/news/2000/000913b_e.shtml.
4 This rate is provided by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.