Table 10-2
Portfolio transactions with non-residents in foreign securities by instrument and sector, purchases and sales — Foreign money market and total

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Foreign money market and total
Period Foreign money market Total foreign securities
Other foreign Total
Purchases Sales Net
Annual v30424747 v30424748 v30424749 v30424745 v30424746 v30424744 v113131
Quarterly v30424753 v30424754 v30424755 v30424751 v30424752 v30424750 v113303
Monthly v30424759 v30424760 v30424761 v30424757 v30424758 v30424756 v113445
                         millions of dollars
1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. -22,497
1999 .. .. .. .. .. .. -23,101
2000 .. .. .. .. .. .. -63,927
2001 .. .. .. .. .. .. -37,573
2002 -1,434 -788 385 -89,347 87,511 -1,837 -29,319
2003 109 -1,392 -2,097 -104,897 101,516 -3,381 -19,054
2004 1,296 -460 -1,823 -128,332 127,345 -987 -24,369
2005 -307 306 -2,088 -159,954 157,865 -2,089 -53,455
2006 -319 -2,973 -3,507 -225,647 218,847 -6,800 -78,668
2007 901 3,047 7,473 -229,486 240,907 11,422 -48,426
2008 227 1,696 3,289 -130,124 135,337 5,212 13,653
2009 -1,796 152 -203 -65,627 63,781 -1,847 -8,667
First quarter -1,527 29 1,619 -43,926 44,047 121 -3,454
Second quarter 280 -141 388 -31,320 31,847 527 -3,167
Third quarter -1,010 1,304 343 -29,744 30,381 637 -783
Fourth quarter 2,483 504 939 -25,134 29,061 3,927 21,058
First quarter -2,474 298 74 -15,910 13,808 -2,102 -13,438
Second quarter 434 5 -150 -15,664 15,953 289 -1,910
Third quarter 264 83 -31 -14,957 15,274 317 5,337
Fourth quarter -19 -235 -96 -19,096 18,746 -350 1,344
First quarter -1,296 47 53 -18,957 17,761 -1,196 -5,180
April 853 41 411 -11,310 12,615 1,305 -6,045
May -613 -519 -120 -11,770 10,518 -1,253 -6,345
June 41 338 97 -8,240 8,715 475 9,223
July -513 272 139 -10,735 10,632 -102 -1,222
August 913 555 -178 -9,394 10,685 1,291 -217
September -1,410 477 382 -9,616 9,064 -552 656
October -501 160 640 -11,558 11,857 299 12,261
November 2,243 -504 225 -9,242 11,206 1,964 2,542
December 741 848 75 -4,334 5,997 1,664 6,254
January -1,231 17 11 -4,960 3,757 -1,204 -4,265
February -1,219 -123 264 -4,750 3,672 -1,078 -3,004
March -24 404 -200 -6,200 6,379 179 -6,168
April 720 -55 -71 -4,064 4,658 594 -1,480
May -877 81 -169 -5,564 4,599 -965 774
June 591 -20 89 -6,035 6,695 660 -1,204
July 665 214 -154 -4,856 5,581 725 473
August 263 -43 -109 -4,951 5,062 111 135
September -665 -88 233 -5,151 4,631 -520 4,728
October 99 -68 331 -5,173 5,536 363 4,035
November -1,421 -14 -79 -8,001 6,487 -1,514 -2,029
December 1,303 -153 -349 -5,922 6,723 801 -663
January -552 216 -37 -5,951 5,578 -373 5,455
February -784 63 -29 -5,858 5,109 -749 -4,328
March 39 -232 118 -7,148 7,074 -75 -6,306
April 304 276 -168 -6,019 6,431 412 -1,420
Throughout tables 1 to 14 a minus sign indicates the purchase of securities from non-residents, that is an outflow of capital from Canada.