Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 28
Canadian direct investment abroad
1 by type of transaction, quarterly

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Canadian direct investment abroad by type of transaction, quarterly
Quarter Outflows Inflows Total net flow
Flows Reinvested earnings Total Flows Reinvested earnings Total
Vector number v113019 v113020 v113018 v113022 v113023 v113021 v113017
  millions of dollars
I -16,425 -4,197 -20,622 13,186 539 13,725 -6,897
II -12,378 -4,545 -16,923 10,743 546 11,289 -5,634
III -14,605 -4,639 -19,244 4,797 556 5,353 -13,891
IV -12,581 -5,031 -17,613 10,118 546 10,664 -6,948
I -17,972 -4,757 -22,730 17,173 279 17,452 -5,278
II -21,880 -5,440 -27,320 11,264 349 11,613 -15,707
III -15,766 -5,264 -21,029 7,546 526 8,072 -12,957
IV -25,931 -4,826 -30,758 12,033 245 12,278 -18,480
I -20,961 -6,617 -27,578 7,442 710 8,152 -19,427
II -18,500 -7,309 -25,809 12,743 647 13,389 -12,419
III -21,587 -6,711 -28,297 13,394 808 14,202 -14,095
IV -23,412 -5,779 -29,191 12,517 613 13,130 -16,061
I -36,769 -5,920 -42,689 9,656 817 10,474 -32,215
II -20,936 -6,553 -27,489 12,172 751 12,923 -14,566
III -30,506 -5,239 -35,745 10,673 1,406 12,078 -23,667
IV -29,737 -5,042 -34,778 16,608 2,404 19,012 -15,766
I -14,312 -5,840 -20,152 14,746 3,111 17,856 -2,296
II -9,195 -5,951 -15,146 9,570 1,221 10,790 -4,356
III -35,834 -5,538 -41,372 12,626 1,929 14,555 -26,817
IV -25,715 -5,146 -30,861 18,410 1,530 19,940 -10,921
I -11,830 -6,041 -17,871 15,219 1,789 17,008 -863