Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 16-2
Services by type, seasonally adjusted, quarterly — Payments

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Quarter Travel Transportation Commercial services Government services Total
Vector number v114401 v114402 v114403 v114404 v114400
  millions of dollars
I 5,350 4,198 9,678 249 19,474
II 5,507 4,328 9,815 256 19,906
III 5,420 4,512 9,817 256 20,006
IV 5,589 4,499 9,921 259 20,268
I 5,713 4,478 9,655 260 20,105
II 5,751 4,593 9,922 256 20,522
III 5,815 4,724 10,035 261 20,835
IV 6,037 4,715 10,042 265 21,058
I 5,990 4,877 10,214 273 21,354
II 6,328 5,026 10,595 284 22,232
III 6,882 4,763 10,123 288 22,055
IV 7,311 5,180 10,170 292 22,952
I 7,128 5,336 10,149 302 22,916
II 7,266 5,490 10,670 315 23,741
III 7,248 5,857 10,330 320 23,756
IV 6,987 5,571 11,138 323 24,019
I 6,645 5,052 10,560 310 22,568
II 6,947 4,819 10,435 331 22,532
III 7,037 4,770 9,884 326 22,016
IV 7,063 5,016 10,276 337 22,692
I 6,990 5,031 10,437 339 22,797