Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 14-1
1, balance of payments adjustments to customs basis, not seasonally adjusted, quarterly — Receipts

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Quarter Goods, customs basis Adjustments Goods, balance of payments basis
Inland freight Other valuation and residency Timing Coverage Total
Vector number v114317 v114319 v114320 v114321 v114322 v114318 v114316
  millions of dollars
I 102,188 1,631 -2,105 0 3,919 3,445 105,632
II 109,790 1,788 -2,732 -8 4,774 3,823 113,613
III 107,995 1,733 -2,154 -1 4,316 3,894 111,890
IV 116,370 1,778 -4,030 -5 4,962 2,705 119,075
I 110,395 1,741 -2,979 -12 3,555 2,305 112,700
II 110,981 1,841 -1,877 -8 4,167 4,123 115,104
III 107,560 1,803 -3,209 20 5,455 4,069 111,629
IV 111,398 1,830 -3,733 -3 5,027 3,121 114,519
I 115,610 1,743 -3,126 -24 4,424 3,017 118,627
II 118,670 1,754 -2,545 18 4,171 3,399 122,069
III 108,268 1,716 -2,298 -47 3,949 3,320 111,588
IV 107,865 1,641 -2,566 -27 3,923 2,972 110,837
I 112,823 1,591 -2,779 -84 3,760 2,488 115,311
II 125,756 1,770 -2,045 31 4,612 4,368 130,124
III 127,412 1,806 -3,890 7 3,510 1,433 128,845
IV 117,545 1,808 -7,601 -39 4,002 -1,830 115,716
I 92,195 1,664 -2,709 -99 3,018 1,874 94,069
II 86,595 1,534 -1,012 -40 2,664 3,146 89,742
III 88,358 1,537 -2,160 -21 2,537 1,894 90,252
IV 92,836 1,478 -2,111 -3 3,266 2,630 95,466
I 95,493 1,551 -2,704 128 3,464 2,440 97,933