Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 16-1
Services by type, seasonally adjusted, quarterly — Receipts

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Quarter Travel Transportation Commercial services Government services Total
Vector number v114369 v114370 v114371 v114372 v114368
  millions of dollars
I 4,060 2,622 8,955 372 16,009
II 4,237 2,835 8,876 409 16,357
III 4,272 2,863 8,901 411 16,448
IV 4,410 2,720 9,033 403 16,567
I 4,291 2,883 9,192 413 16,778
II 4,119 2,906 9,328 428 16,782
III 4,143 2,971 9,353 444 16,911
IV 4,121 3,017 9,566 424 17,128
I 4,115 2,956 9,516 464 17,050
II 4,203 2,908 9,661 433 17,205
III 4,154 2,946 9,652 444 17,196
IV 4,139 3,052 9,567 460 17,218
I 4,115 3,082 9,722 403 17,322
II 4,162 3,024 10,042 419 17,647
III 4,096 2,931 9,856 410 17,293
IV 4,095 2,844 10,007 427 17,374
I 4,034 3,034 9,950 430 17,448
II 4,026 3,212 9,855 439 17,531
III 4,053 3,247 9,965 454 17,719
IV 4,006 3,105 10,205 464 17,779
I 3,937 2,789 9,657 467 16,851
II 3,894 2,574 9,840 489 16,797
III 3,879 2,547 9,451 460 16,337
IV 3,881 2,591 9,734 459 16,665