Statistics Canada
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Table 6
One or more nights trips by residents returning to Canada, by province of re-entry, year to date

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One or more nights trips by residents returning to Canada, by province of re-entry, year to date
  January to November
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Canada
United States  
2010 ... ... 0 460,210 2,000,800 5,125,680 684,149 177,186 399,578 2,384,375 29,523 11,261,501
2011 ... ... 0 484,307 2,062,739 5,271,339 712,407 164,418 437,642 2,545,273 30,044 11,708,169
Percent ... ... ... 5.2 3.1 2.8 4.1 -7.2 9.5 6.7 1.8 4.0
2010 12,790 328 98,052 55,984 1,200,424 3,257,202 173,130 107,213 1,077,691 1,445,865 2,974 7,431,653
2011 14,712 365 121,038 58,301 1,302,697 3,525,580 166,910 115,940 1,151,341 1,560,850 2,963 8,020,697
Percent 15.0 11.3 23.4 4.1 8.5 8.2 -3.6 8.1 6.8 8.0 -0.4 7.9
2010 12,790 328 98,052 516,194 3,201,224 8,382,882 857,279 284,399 1,477,269 3,830,240 32,497 18,693,154
2011 14,712 365 121,038 542,608 3,365,436 8,796,919 879,317 280,358 1,588,983 4,106,123 33,007 19,728,866
Percent 15.0 11.3 23.4 5.1 5.1 4.9 2.6 -1.4 7.6 7.2 1.6 5.5
Other countries  
2010 28,672 624 119,148 18,956 1,955,004 3,863,261 92,949 72,979 690,526 1,192,194 918 8,035,231
2011 23,814 27 138,547 16,679 2,072,173 4,098,323 91,553 67,335 728,211 1,180,392 1,213 8,418,267
Percent -16.9 -95.7 16.3 -12.0 6.0 6.1 -1.5 -7.7 5.5 -1.0 32.1 4.8
2010 41,462 952 217,200 535,150 5,156,228 12,246,143 950,228 357,378 2,167,795 5,022,434 33,415 26,728,385
2011 38,526 392 259,585 559,287 5,437,609 12,895,242 970,870 347,693 2,317,194 5,286,515 34,220 28,147,133
Percent -7.1 -58.8 19.5 4.5 5.5 5.3 2.2 -2.7 6.9 5.3 2.4 5.3