Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 1
International trips to Canada

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International trips to Canada
  November January to November
2010 2011 Change 2011 2010 2011 Change 2011
  number percent number percent
Trips by non-residents 1 1,324,572 1,322,228 -0.2 23,116,449 22,456,492 -2.9
United States residents 1,141,378 1,130,438 -1.0 18,943,768 18,236,543 -3.7
Automobile 843,611 826,367 -2.0 13,420,357 12,661,016 -5.7
Same day 513,877 502,285 -2.3 6,925,012 6,460,874 -6.7
One or more nights 329,734 324,082 -1.7 6,495,345 6,200,142 -4.5
Plane 240,883 236,516 -1.8 3,401,532 3,456,077 1.6
Bus 39,443 48,297 22.4 728,423 727,540 -0.1
Train, boat and other methods 17,441 19,258 10.4 1,393,456 1,391,910 -0.1
All other countries residents 183,194 191,790 4.7 4,172,681 4,219,949 1.1
Direct 115,059 122,690 6.6 2,567,383 2,646,567 3.1
Via the United States 2 68,135 69,100 1.4 1,605,298 1,573,382 -2.0
Trips by residents of Canada 1 4,214,135 4,426,384 5.0 49,355,516 54,564,964 10.6
Returning from the United States 3,640,025 3,848,529 5.7 41,320,285 46,146,697 11.7
Automobile 2,942,336 3,124,118 6.2 33,460,398 37,672,940 12.6
Same day 2,086,091 2,279,799 9.3 22,198,897 25,964,771 17.0
One or more nights 856,245 844,319 -1.4 11,261,501 11,708,169 4.0
Plane 588,956 611,568 3.8 6,399,905 6,941,047 8.5
Bus 89,958 94,678 5.2 908,999 965,418 6.2
Train, boat and other methods 18,775 18,165 -3.2 550,983 567,292 3.0
Returning from all other countries 574,110 577,855 0.7 8,035,231 8,418,267 4.8
Direct 451,623 451,270 -0.1 6,547,440 6,791,859 3.7
Via the United States 2 122,487 126,585 3.3 1,487,791 1,626,408 9.3
Total 1 5,538,707 5,748,612 3.8 72,471,965 77,021,456 6.3
Excludes immigrants, former residents, military personnel, diplomats and crews.
Entries and re-entries through or by way of the United States.
Reports of entries and re-entries from offices of the Canada Border Services Agency.