Table 1-2
Value of imports, by North American Industry Classification Sytem (NAICS)

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Table 1-2
Value of imports, by North American Industry Classification Sytem (NAICS)
  Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing Hunting Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Information and Cultural Industries Finance and Insurance Business Service1 Other2 Total
millions of dollars
2009 1,180 5,403 3,707 2,284 102,318 154,964 22,751 5,818 2,036 2,601 7,258 3,742 314,061
2008 1,128 5,348 5,842 2,538 142,765 169,279 26,895 8,318 1,997 3,746 8,136 4,175 380,166
2007 1,188 2,189 8,733 3,650 127,299 112,151 15,972 8,863 2,470 20,603 56,360 11,719 371,196
2006 921 2,398 8,410 3,736 146,185 107,548 12,323 7,530 1,722 8,632 49,250 11,291 359,945
2005 904 2,383 9,327 3,251 144,159 103,116 10,974 6,707 1,795 7,825 46,032 12,094 348,570
2004 812 2,550 7,415 2,964 137,938 94,916 10,224 5,978 1,771 8,255 43,452 10,791 327,064
2003 915 1,930 6,135 2,793 133,630 86,566 9,135 5,645 1,925 8,119 41,743 9,720 308,256
2002 1,021 1,585 5,593 2,736 141,871 87,288 8,783 5,729 2,101 9,334 44,322 11,569 321,932
1. Includes the following industries: Professional, Scientific and Technical Services; Management of Companies and Enterprises; Administrative and support, Waste Management and Remediation Services.
2. Includes the following industries: Educational Services; Health Care and Social Assistance; Arts, Entertainment and Recreation; Accommodation and Food Services; Other Services; Public Administration.
Note: Due to rounding, components may not add to the total.
Source: Statistics Canada, International Trade Divison, Importer Register Database.
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