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Section XIX - Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof

Chapter 93 - Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof


1. This Chapter does not cover:

  • (a) Goods of Chapter 36 (for example, percussion caps, detonators, signalling flares);

  • (b) Parts of general use, as defined in Note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39);

  • (c) Armoured fighting vehicles (heading 87.10);

  • (d) Telescopic sights and other optical devices suitable for use with arms, unless mounted on a firearm or presented with the firearm on which they are designed to be mounted (Chapter 90);

  • (e) Bows, arrows, fencing foils or toys (Chapter 95); or

  • (f) Collectors’ pieces or antiques (heading 97.05 or 97.06).

2. In heading 93.06, the reference to “parts thereof” does not include radio or radar apparatus of heading 85.26.

Chapter 93 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof

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