Table 1-2
Merchandise trade of Canada, balance of payments basis, seasonally adjusted — Constant dollars, 2002

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Constant dollars, 2002
  Exports Imports Trade balance Period to period change
Exports Imports
  millions of dollars percent
2006 442,729 457,196 -14,466 0.0 0.0
2007 449,015 484,005 -34,990 1.4 5.9
2008 415,119 485,902 -70,783 -7.5 0.4
2009 345,911 405,261 -59,350 -16.7 -16.6
2010 375,725 468,196 -92,470 8.6 15.5
First quarter 107,071 123,094 -16,023 -2.6 -1.2
Second quarter 106,872 125,669 -18,797 -0.2 2.1
Third quarter 104,062 123,918 -19,856 -2.6 -1.4
Fourth quarter 97,114 113,221 -16,107 -6.7 -8.6
First quarter 87,218 97,521 -10,303 -10.2 -13.9
Second quarter 83,055 96,718 -13,663 -4.8 -0.8
Third quarter 86,329 104,265 -17,935 3.9 7.8
Fourth quarter 89,308 106,757 -17,449 3.5 2.4
First quarter 91,446 111,046 -19,600 2.4 4.0
Second quarter 94,270 117,282 -23,012 3.1 5.6
Third quarter 93,589 120,350 -26,761 -0.7 2.6
Fourth quarter 96,421 119,518 -23,098 3.0 -0.7
January 27,994 33,229 -5,235 -9.4 -7.4
February 29,778 32,701 -2,923 6.4 -1.6
March 29,446 31,592 -2,145 -1.1 -3.4
April 28,359 31,963 -3,604 -3.7 1.2
May 27,195 32,360 -5,165 -4.1 1.2
June 27,502 32,395 -4,893 1.1 0.1
July 29,630 35,032 -5,402 7.7 8.1
August 28,012 34,860 -6,847 -5.5 -0.5
September 28,687 34,373 -5,686 2.4 -1.4
October 29,629 34,757 -5,128 3.3 1.1
November 29,376 35,625 -6,249 -0.9 2.5
December 30,304 36,375 -6,071 3.2 2.1
January 30,325 36,340 -6,014 0.1 -0.1
February 30,372 36,884 -6,512 0.2 1.5
March 30,749 37,822 -7,073 1.2 2.5
April 30,993 37,920 -6,927 0.8 0.3
May 31,942 39,579 -7,637 3.1 4.4
June 31,335 39,783 -8,448 -1.9 0.5
July 31,083 40,060 -8,977 -0.8 0.7
August 31,696 40,434 -8,739 2.0 0.9
September 30,810 39,855 -9,045 -2.8 -1.4
October 31,832 40,338 -8,506 3.3 1.2
November 31,257 39,531 -8,274 -1.8 -2.0
December 33,332 39,649 -6,317 6.6 0.3
Because of rounding, monthly data may not add up to quarterly data and quarterly data may not add up to annual data.