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Table 6: Dwelling Units, Value of Residential and Non-residential Building Permits, Census Metropolitan Areas, Seasonally Adjusted, 2004

Month Number of dwelling units Estimated value of construction
Singles1 Multiples Total dwellings Residential Non-residential Total
Industrial Commercial Institutional and governmental Total
units units units thousands of dollars thousands of dollars thousands of dollars thousands of dollars thousands of dollars thousands of dollars
Abbotsford, British Columbia                  
50 3 53 7,812 739 283 248 1,270 9,082
68 14 82 11,433 1,719 1,810 570 4,099 15,532
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 118 17 135 19,245 2,458 2,093 818 5,369 24,614
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 131 71 202 21,683 2,041 1,608 2,623 6,272 27,955
Calgary, Alberta                  
679 358 1,037 130,123 397 17,198 8,123 25,718 155,841
716 402 1,118 153,079 3,560 80,968 6,079 90,607 243,686
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 1,395 760 2,155 283,202 3,957 98,166 14,202 116,325 399,527
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 1,726 643 2,369 323,784 49,104 126,179 39,502 214,785 538,569
Edmonton, Alberta                  
550 678 1,228 107,188 2,678 37,067 13,748 53,493 160,681
436 609 1,045 94,061 3,134 16,395 2,146 21,675 115,736
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 986 1,287 2,273 201,249 5,812 53,462 15,894 75,168 276,417
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 1,025 947 1,972 188,328 10,647 52,779 17,036 80,462 268,790
Greater Sudbury, Ontario                  
0 0 0 241 6 540 489 1,035 1,276
7 0 7 1,705 12 341 1,214 1,567 3,272
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 7 0 7 1,946 18 881 1,703 2,602 4,548
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 22 0 22 3,750 40 2,667 645 3,352 7,102
Halifax, Nova Scotia                  
109 46 155 27,984 0 6,196 40 6,236 34,220
110 56 166 22,688 248 3,466 5,060 8,774 31,462
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 219 102 321 50,672 248 9,662 5,100 15,010 65,682
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 250 236 486 63,255 97 10,455 1,690 12,242 75,497
Hamilton, Ontario                  
80 183 263 41,057 7,382 3,473 339 11,194 52,251
155 289 444 61,879 2,690 18,248 195 21,133 83,012
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 235 472 707 102,936 10,072 21,721 534 32,327 135,263
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 340 269 609 89,619 3,558 28,983 172,522 205,063 294,682
Kingston, Ontario                  
12 7 19 3,206 104 2,143 8,134 10,381 13,587
22 3 25 3,997 213 3,166 3,176 6,555 10,552
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 34 10 44 7,203 317 5,309 11,310 16,936 24,139
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 66 5 71 9,607 1,243 11,501 11,020 23,764 33,371
Kitchener, Ontario                  
215 67 282 44,824 11,677 14,595 2,797 29,069 73,893
171 192 363 45,681 1,754 7,077 68,829 77,660 123,341
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 386 259 645 90,505 13,431 21,672 71,626 106,729 197,234
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 466 296 762 109,784 18,384 21,875 22,671 62,930 172,714
London, Ontario                  
146 29 175 23,321 1,730 6,793 58,511 67,034 90,355
180 142 322 51,400 1,200 29,856 2,182 33,238 84,638
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 326 171 497 74,721 2,930 36,649 60,693 100,272 174,993
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 296 249 545 63,951 2,380 8,121 28,389 38,890 102,841
Montréal, Quebec                  
1,002 3,124 4,126 441,239 28,452 102,948 22,713 154,113 595,352
1,021 1,106 2,127 321,784 61,668 120,352 72,867 254,887 576,671
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 2,023 4,230 6,253 763,023 90,120 223,300 95,580 409,000 1,172,023
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 1,922 2,610 4,532 553,305 53,702 168,079 44,870 266,651 819,956
Oshawa, Ontario                  
98 83 181 35,786 355 2,695 897 3,947 39,733
69 273 342 50,875 141 9,943 179 10,263 61,138
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 167 356 523 86,661 496 12,638 1,076 14,210 100,871
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 367 250 617 104,213 89,733 2,183 548 92,464 196,677
Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec                  
134 199 333 51,477 824 24,890 3,433 29,147 80,624
283 722 1,005 134,205 926 38,690 47,623 87,239 221,444
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 417 921 1,338 185,682 1,750 63,580 51,056 116,386 302,068
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 451 612 1,063 146,737 5,339 78,088 11,411 94,838 241,575
Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Ontario/Quebec                  
184 45 229 33,666 42 2,973 81 3,096 36,762
85 86 171 24,984 0 9,073 473 9,546 34,530
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 269 131 400 58,650 42 12,046 554 12,642 71,292
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 189 179 368 42,728 1,084 24,861 2,409 28,354 71,082
Québec, Quebec                  
217 243 460 44,398 1,383 40,253 1,391 43,027 87,425
254 423 677 81,961 5,977 17,603 29,374 52,954 134,915
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 471 666 1,137 126,359 7,360 57,856 30,765 95,981 222,340
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 532 741 1,273 115,743 2,763 30,434 10,497 43,694 159,437
Regina, Saskatchewan                  
50 0 50 8,771 3,195 2,966 6,109 12,270 21,041
41 6 47 8,915 6 5,005 153 5,164 14,079
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 91 6 97 17,686 3,201 7,971 6,262 17,434 35,120
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 102 0 102 12,317 16 24,244 1,045 25,305 37,622
Saguenay, Quebec                  
7 34 41 2,871 53 1,225 298 1,576 4,447
10 13 23 2,813 853 1,008 1,092 2,953 5,766
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 17 47 64 5,684 906 2,233 1,390 4,529 10,213
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 12 44 56 4,987 56 7,052 85 7,193 12,180
Saint John, New Brunswick                  
36 0 36 7,152 117 1,330 91 1,538 8,690
31 1 32 4,955 1,348 1,130 0 2,478 7,433
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 67 1 68 12,107 1,465 2,460 91 4,016 16,123
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 90 50 140 12,719 1,394 1,968 55 3,417 16,136
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan                  
50 41 91 10,911 49 3,952 320 4,321 15,232
72 2 74 9,688 565 5,313 404 6,282 15,970
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 122 43 165 20,599 614 9,265 724 10,603 31,202
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 143 348 491 39,002 391 13,894 8,685 22,970 61,972
Sherbrooke, Quebec                  
31 61 92 7,926 150 6,548 222 6,920 14,846
53 38 91 11,347 461 2,224 577 3,262 14,609
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 84 99 183 19,273 611 8,772 799 10,182 29,455
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 117 36 153 23,231 1,038 4,474 882 6,394 29,625
St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario                  
79 57 136 23,000 1,091 22,551 3,159 26,801 49,801
77 24 101 17,811 1,799 14,034 9,380 25,213 43,024
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 156 81 237 40,811 2,890 36,585 12,539 52,014 92,825
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 182 76 258 37,812 7,053 50,854 1,959 59,866 97,678
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador                  
150 10 160 23,542 30 6,197 415 6,642 30,184
130 38 168 20,109 13 4,590 200 4,803 24,912
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 280 48 328 43,651 43 10,787 615 11,445 55,096
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 201 30 231 30,860 333 7,866 2,636 10,835 41,695
Thunder Bay, Ontario                  
0 0 0 291 33 4,108 122 4,263 4,554
1 1 2 548 147 437 6,607 7,191 7,739
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 1 1 2 839 180 4,545 6,729 11,454 12,293
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 9 48 57 6,768 449 3,768 275 4,492 11,260
Toronto, Ontario                  
2,099 1,498 3,597 686,028 86,909 171,442 94,554 352,905 1,038,933
1,400 1,579 2,979 474,454 29,360 191,045 102,145 322,550 797,004
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 3,499 3,077 6,576 1,160,482 116,269 362,487 196,699 675,455 1,835,937
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 3,301 4,311 7,612 1,230,049 240,593 399,068 295,771 935,432 2,165,481
Trois-Rivières, Quebec                  
11 63 74 5,891 77 2,251 209 2,537 8,428
20 19 39 4,914 1,059 3,120 0 4,179 9,093
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 31 82 113 10,805 1,136 5,371 209 6,716 17,521
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 35 77 112 12,989 583 4,782 2,161 7,526 20,515
Vancouver, British Columbia                  
544 1,146 1,690 332,301 1,989 138,200 13,836 154,025 486,326
489 1,159 1,648 257,874 5,372 60,826 3,752 69,950 327,824
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 1,033 2,305 3,338 590,175 7,361 199,026 17,588 223,975 814,150
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 917 699 1,616 346,058 17,595 115,703 30,273 163,571 509,629
Victoria, British Columbia                  
102 53 155 26,132 309 4,699 2,856 7,864 33,996
78 109 187 37,476 2,595 10,802 1,635 15,032 52,508
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 180 162 342 63,608 2,904 15,501 4,491 22,896 86,504
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 179 86 265 46,535 792 29,836 19,837 50,465 97,000
Windsor, Ontario                  
87 26 113 17,244 4,029 15,459 744 20,232 37,476
150 208 358 44,293 1,527 7,190 1,368 10,085 54,378
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 237 234 471 61,537 5,556 22,649 2,112 30,317 91,854
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 306 157 463 67,213 17,316 14,887 20,201 52,404 119,617
Winnipeg, Manitoba                  
201 8 209 27,328 3,589 7,917 9,762 21,268 48,596
180 5 185 26,600 6,480 12,900 4,322 23,702 50,302
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2004 381 13 394 53,928 10,069 20,817 14,084 44,970 98,898
Cumulative Jan. - Feb. 2003 295 10 305 46,180 3,810 35,532 5,915 45,257 91,437

1 Included in this category are the following types of dwellings: single-detached, mobile home and cottage.