Appendix B
Response rates by collection month, Canada1

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Table B.1
Interview response rates by collection month, CanadaAppendix B Note 1, 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Interview response rates by collection month Eligible sampled households, No contacts, Refusals, Residual non-respondents, Respondents and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Eligible sampled households No contacts Refusals Residual non-respondents Respondents Response rateAppendix B Note 2
number percentage
All months 17,603 1,608 4,588 684 10,723 60.9
January 1,423 142 338 44 899 63.2
February 1,455 151 384 50 870 59.8
March 1,459 137 361 36 925 63.4
April 1,464 142 367 58 897 61.3
May 1,470 112 363 54 941 64.0
June 1,460 125 399 66 870 59.6
July 1,488 149 377 54 908 61.0
August 1,462 122 383 64 893 61.1
September 1,474 139 389 56 890 60.4
October 1,477 104 413 85 875 59.2
November 1,471 136 423 57 855 58.1
December 1,500 149 391 60 900 60.0
Table B.2
Diary response rates by collection month, CanadaAppendix B Table 2 Note 1, 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates by collection month Eligible sampled households, Interview non-respondents, Diaries, Response rate, Refusal, Unusable and Usable, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Eligible sampled householdsAppendix B Table 2 Note 2 Interview non-respondentsAppendix B Table 2 Note 3 DiariesAppendix B Table 2 Note 4 Response rateAppendix B Table 2 Note 6
RefusalAppendix B Table 2 Note 5 Unusable Usable
number percentage
All months 12,571 4,950 2,441 170 5,010 39.9
January 715 265 137 9 304 42.5
February 756 291 135 18 312 41.3
March 750 254 149 14 333 44.4
April 729 288 143 11 287 39.4
May 760 284 169 9 298 39.2
June 733 316 135 13 269 36.7
July 744 281 150 4 309 41.5
August 1,462 569 298 16 579 39.6
September 1,474 584 276 21 593 40.2
October 1,477 602 277 17 581 39.3
November 1,471 616 269 23 563 38.3
December 1,500 600 303 15 582 38.8
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