Table 4-11
Average expenditure per household, Canada, provinces and territories, recent years — British Columbia

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British Columbia
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total expenditure 67,017 71,580 72,621 73,119 73,571
Food 7,348 7,156 7,745 7,938 7,570
Shelter 13,647 14,521 15,056 15,201 16,336
Principal accommodation 12,846 13,467 13,980 13,965 15,198
Rented living quarters 2,971 3,004 2,982 3,007 3,687
Owned living quarters 8,118 8,649 9,199 8,982 9,714
Water, fuel and electricity for principal accommodation 1,757 1,814 1,800 1,976 1,797
Other accommodation 801 1,054 1,076 1,235 1,138
Household operation 3,160 3,453 3,357 3,451 3,483
Communications 1,540 1,608 1,612 1,651 1,667
Child care expenses 245 285 295 253 327
Pet expenses 426 473 486 541 489
Other 949 1,087 964 1,006 1,000
Household furnishings and equipment 2,026 2,095 2,036 2,086 2,017
Clothing 2,558 2,896 2,818 2,900 2,878
Transportation 9,223 10,200 9,896 10,107 9,318
Private transportation 8,192 8,927 8,567 8,665 8,074
Public transportation 1,032 1,273 1,328 1,443 1,244
Health care 2,131 2,178 2,177 2,382 2,455
Personal care 1,038 1,098 1,135 1,148 1,160
Recreation 4,175 3,894 4,577 4,500 4,561
Reading materials and other printed matter 282 291 233 241 214
Education 1,456 1,529 1,215 1,259 1,760
Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages 1,670 1,515 1,624 1,562 1,630
Tobacco products and smokers' supplies 604 525 567 487 533
Alcoholic beverages 1,065 991 1,058 1,075 1,097
Games of chance (net) 266 260 223 224 200
Miscellaneous expenditures 1,123 1,246 1,303 1,090 1,426
Total current consumption 50,103 52,334 53,394 54,089 55,010
Personal taxes 11,636 13,929 13,297 13,668 13,157
Personal insurance payments and pension contributions 3,404 3,725 3,850 3,763 3,482
Gifts of money and contributions 1,875 1,592 2,080 1,599 1,922
Beginning with 2006, the distinction between full-year and part-year members and households has been removed. Spending data are collected for the reference year for all members of the household at the time of the interview. Since the data for the 1997-2005 were based on full-year members only, to maintain the comparability with prior years, the data for 1997-2005 have been revised to include both full-year and part-year households.