Table 7
The Consumer Price Index for Canada, major components and special aggregates, not seasonally adjusted, historical data

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The Consumer Price Index for Canada, major components and special aggregates, not seasonally adjusted, historical data
Table summary
The table displays the historical data for the major components and special aggregates of the Consumer Price Index, not seasonally adjusted, for Canada. The row headers provide information for the CANSIM vector numbers, the annual averages for the last 19 years in ascending order, followed by the monthly index numbers for the previous year and the current year. The column headers provide information by major components and special aggregates. The base year for the index is 2002=100.
  Major components Special aggregates
Food Shelter Household operations, furnishings and equipment Clothing and footwear Transportation Health and personal care Recreation, education and reading Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products Goods 1 Services 2 All-items excluding food and energy 3 Energy 3
CANSIM vector number (v41690974) (v41691050) (v41691067) (v41691108) (v41691128) (v41691153) (v41691170) (v41691206) (v41691222) (v41691230) (v41691233) (v41691239)
Annual averages 4  
1997 89.4 90.8 93.7 97.7 90.3 91.7 91.0 72.3 91.2 89.5 91.5 83.9
1998 90.9 91.1 95.1 98.8 89.6 93.6 93.0 74.9 91.4 91.1 92.7 80.5
1999 92.0 92.3 95.8 100.1 92.6 95.4 94.7 76.5 93.1 92.6 94.0 85.0
2000 93.3 95.6 96.7 100.3 97.2 97.0 97.0 79.0 96.0 94.8 95.5 98.8
2001 97.4 99.1 98.6 100.7 97.3 98.9 98.4 85.0 98.4 97.1 97.3 102.0
2002 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2003 101.7 103.2 100.7 98.2 105.2 101.4 100.8 110.1 101.9 103.6 102.5 107.9
2004 103.8 105.8 101.2 98.0 107.7 102.8 101.1 116.0 103.4 105.9 103.9 115.2
2005 106.4 109.2 101.7 97.6 112.0 104.6 100.8 119.1 105.8 108.2 105.3 126.3
2006 108.9 113.1 102.2 95.8 115.2 105.9 100.6 121.7 107.1 111.1 106.9 132.8
2007 111.8 116.9 103.2 95.7 117.1 107.3 101.8 125.5 108.0 114.8 109.0 135.9
2008 115.7 122.0 104.6 93.8 119.5 108.8 102.2 127.5 109.4 118.7 110.3 149.3
2009 121.4 121.6 107.3 93.4 113.1 112.1 103.1 130.7 107.6 121.2 111.5 129.2
2010 123.1 123.3 108.8 91.6 118.0 115.1 104.0 133.1 109.2 123.7 112.9 137.8
2011 127.7 125.6 110.9 91.9 125.6 117.1 105.3 135.6 112.9 126.7 114.7 154.7
2012 130.8 127.1 113.0 92.0 128.1 118.7 105.9 137.6 114.0 129.3 116.2 157.3
2013 132.4 128.7 114.4 92.1 129.0 118.3 106.2 140.4 114.6 131.0 117.2 159.6
2014 135.5 132.2 116.6 93.2 130.4 119.0 107.4 146.6 116.5 133.7 119.0 165.3
2015 140.5 133.7 119.7 94.6 126.5 120.5 109.4 152.0 116.8 136.4 121.2 149.5
Monthly indexes  
January 139.1 133.1 118.0 91.1 122.4 120.0 105.6 149.9 114.0 134.7 119.5 139.5
February 139.5 133.1 118.9 93.3 124.3 120.1 107.9 150.3 115.3 135.5 120.3 145.1
March 139.5 133.3 119.4 96.4 126.6 119.5 108.7 150.7 117.0 135.6 121.0 149.8
April 139.4 133.1 119.7 96.2 126.6 120.1 107.7 151.4 116.7 135.6 121.0 148.1
May 140.8 133.2 119.7 95.0 128.0 120.7 109.9 151.9 117.6 136.2 121.3 152.4
June 141.0 133.5 120.0 93.0 129.6 120.5 110.6 152.1 118.0 136.5 121.3 157.5
July 140.9 133.8 120.1 93.0 129.2 120.6 111.2 152.2 117.9 136.8 121.3 159.2
August 140.8 133.9 120.4 94.0 127.8 120.5 111.7 152.6 117.5 137.1 121.5 156.1
September 140.3 133.9 120.5 96.7 125.4 120.7 112.3 152.9 116.8 137.4 121.9 149.3
October 140.9 134.3 120.6 97.7 125.8 120.7 110.8 152.9 117.1 137.4 122.2 146.6
November 141.6 134.4 119.8 96.7 126.3 121.6 108.8 153.8 117.3 136.9 121.9 146.5
December 142.5 134.5 119.6 91.7 125.6 121.0 107.9 153.5 116.3 136.8 121.3 143.4
January 144.6 134.6 120.0 90.8 125.1 121.5 107.9 154.5 116.6 137.0 121.6 139.0
February 145.0 134.7 121.0 92.1 123.7 121.5 109.6 155.2 116.5 137.7 122.3 134.6
March 144.5 134.8 121.4 96.0 125.3 121.4 110.9 156.2 117.8 138.0 123.1 138.1
For information on the continuity of the series, see " Data quality, concepts and methodology — Data quality, concepts and methodology — Weights and Linking" at the end of this publication.
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