Table B
Vector numbers of the inter-city indexes of retail
price differentials, as of October 2009, for selected groups of consumer
goods and services, not seasonally adjusted
Archived Content
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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador | Charlottetown and Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Saint John, New Brunswick | Montréal, Quebec | |
All-items | (v15939841) | (v15939869) | (v15939897) | (v15939925) | (v15939953) |
Food | (v15939842) | (v15939870) | (v15939898) | (v15939926) | (v15939954) |
Food purchased from stores | (v15939843) | (v15939871) | (v15939899) | (v15939927) | (v15939955) |
Meat, poultry and fish | (v15939844) | (v15939872) | (v15939900) | (v15939928) | (v15939956) |
Dairy products and eggs | (v15939845) | (v15939873) | (v15939901) | (v15939929) | (v15939957) |
Bakery and other cereal products | (v15939846) | (v15939874) | (v15939902) | (v15939930) | (v15939958) |
Fruit and vegetables | (v15939847) | (v15939875) | (v15939903) | (v15939931) | (v15939959) |
Other food purchased from stores | (v15939848) | (v15939876) | (v15939904) | (v15939932) | (v15939960) |
Food purchased from restaurants | (v15939849) | (v15939877) | (v15939905) | (v15939933) | (v15939961) |
Shelter | (v15939850) | (v15939878) | (v15939906) | (v15939934) | (v15939962) |
Rented accommodation | (v21580949) | (v21580952) | (v21580955) | (v21580958) | (v21580961) |
Owned accommodation | (v21580950) | (v21580953) | (v21580956) | (v21580959) | (v21580962) |
Water, fuel and electricity | (v21580951) | (v21580954) | (v21580957) | (v21580960) | (v21580963) |
Household operations and furnishings | (v15939851) | (v15939879) | (v15939907) | (v15939935) | (v15939963) |
Household operations | (v15939852) | (v15939880) | (v15939908) | (v15939936) | (v15939964) |
Household furnishings | (v15939853) | (v15939881) | (v15939909) | (v15939937) | (v15939965) |
Clothing and footwear | (v15939854) | (v15939882) | (v15939910) | (v15939938) | (v15939966) |
Transportation | (v15939855) | (v15939883) | (v15939911) | (v15939939) | (v15939967) |
Private transportation | (v15939856) | (v15939884) | (v15939912) | (v15939940) | (v15939968) |
Purchase of automotive vehicles | (v15939857) | (v15939885) | (v15939913) | (v15939941) | (v15939969) |
Gasoline | (v15939858) | (v15939886) | (v15939914) | (v15939942) | (v15939970) |
Other private transportation | (v15939859) | (v15939887) | (v15939915) | (v15939943) | (v15939971) |
Public transportation | (v15939860) | (v15939888) | (v15939916) | (v15939944) | (v15939972) |
Health and personal care | (v15939861) | (v15939889) | (v15939917) | (v15939945) | (v15939973) |
Health care | (v15939862) | (v15939890) | (v15939918) | (v15939946) | (v15939974) |
Personal care | (v43975161) | (v43975162) | (v43975163) | (v43975164) | (v43975165) |
Recreation, education and reading | (v15939865) | (v15939893) | (v15939921) | (v15939949) | (v15939977) |
Recreation | (v43975172) | (v43975173) | (v43975174) | (v43975175) | (v43975176) |
Education and reading | (v43975183) | (v43975184) | (v43975185) | (v43975186) | (v43975187) |
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products | (v15939866) | (v15939894) | (v15939922) | (v15939950) | (v15939978) |
Alcoholic beverages | (v15939867) | (v15939895) | (v15939923) | (v15939951) | (v15939979) |
Tobacco products and smokers' supplies | (v15939868) | (v15939896) | (v15939924) | (v15939952) | (v15939980) |
Ottawa, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Regina, Saskatchewan | Edmonton, Alberta | Vancouver, British Columbia | |
All-items | (v15939981) | (v15940009) | (v15940037) | (v15940065) | (v15940093) | (v15940121) |
Food | (v15939982) | (v15940010) | (v15940038) | (v15940066) | (v15940094) | (v15940122) |
Food purchased from stores | (v15939983) | (v15940011) | (v15940039) | (v15940067) | (v15940095) | (v15940123) |
Meat, poultry and fish | (v15939984) | (v15940012) | (v15940040) | (v15940068) | (v15940096) | (v15940124) |
Dairy products and eggs | (v15939985) | (v15940013) | (v15940041) | (v15940069) | (v15940097) | (v15940125) |
Bakery and other cereal products | (v15939986) | (v15940014) | (v15940042) | (v15940070) | (v15940098) | (v15940126) |
Fruit and vegetables | (v15939987) | (v15940015) | (v15940043) | (v15940071) | (v15940099) | (v15940127) |
Other food purchased from stores | (v15939988) | (v15940016) | (v15940044) | (v15940072) | (v15940100) | (v15940128) |
Food purchased from restaurants | (v15939989) | (v15940017) | (v15940045) | (v15940073) | (v15940101) | (v15940129) |
Shelter | (v15939990) | (v15940018) | (v15940046) | (v15940074) | (v15940102) | (v15940130) |
Rented accommodation | (v21580964) | (v21580967) | (v21580970) | (v21580973) | (v21580976) | (v21580979) |
Owned accommodation | (v21580965) | (v21580968) | (v21580971) | (v21580974) | (v21580977) | (v21580980) |
Water, fuel and electricity | (v21580966) | (v21580969) | (v21580972) | (v21580975) | (v21580978) | (v21580981) |
Household operations and furnishings | (v15939991) | (v15940019) | (v15940047) | (v15940075) | (v15940103) | (v15940131) |
Household operations | (v15939992) | (v15940020) | (v15940048) | (v15940076) | (v15940104) | (v15940132) |
Household furnishings | (v15939993) | (v15940021) | (v15940049) | (v15940077) | (v15940105) | (v15940133) |
Clothing and footwear | (v15939994) | (v15940022) | (v15940050) | (v15940078) | (v15940106) | (v15940134) |
Transportation | (v15939995) | (v15940023) | (v15940051) | (v15940079) | (v15940107) | (v15940135) |
Private transportation | (v15939996) | (v15940024) | (v15940052) | (v15940080) | (v15940108) | (v15940136) |
Purchase of automotive vehicles | (v15939997) | (v15940025) | (v15940053) | (v15940081) | (v15940109) | (v15940137) |
Gasoline | (v15939998) | (v15940026) | (v15940054) | (v15940082) | (v15940110) | (v15940138) |
Other private transportation | (v15939999) | (v15940027) | (v15940055) | (v15940083) | (v15940111) | (v15940139) |
Public transportation | (v15940000) | (v15940028) | (v15940056) | (v15940084) | (v15940112) | (v15940140) |
Health and personal care | (v15940001) | (v15940029) | (v15940057) | (v15940085) | (v15940113) | (v15940141) |
Health care | (v15940002) | (v15940030) | (v15940058) | (v15940086) | (v15940114) | (v15940142) |
Personal care | (v43975166) | (v43975167) | (v43975168) | (v43975169) | (v43975170) | (v43975171) |
Recreation, education and reading | (v15940005) | (v15940033) | (v15940061) | (v15940089) | (v15940117) | (v15940145) |
Recreation | (v43975177) | (v43975178) | (v43975179) | (v43975180) | (v43975181) | (v43975182) |
Education and reading | (v43975188) | (v43975189) | (v43975190) | (v43975191) | (v43975192) | (v43975193) |
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products | (v15940006) | (v15940034) | (v15940062) | (v15940090) | (v15940118) | (v15940146) |
Alcoholic beverages | (v15940007) | (v15940035) | (v15940063) | (v15940091) | (v15940119) | (v15940147) |
Tobacco products and smokers' supplies | (v15940008) | (v15940036) | (v15940064) | (v15940092) | (v15940120) | (v15940148) |
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