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Table - 5: The Consumer Price Index for Canada, Major Components and Special Aggregates (Not Seasonally Adjusted)¹, 1984-2002, 1992=100

  Major components Special aggregates
Food Shelter Household operations and furnishings Clothing and footwear Transportation Health and personal care Recreation, education and reading Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products Goods Services All-items excluding food and energy Energy
Annual Average                        
1984 76.6 72.1 80.2 73.1 75.9 70.6 69.8 48.3 75.2 68.8 70.1 82.6
1985 78.8 74.7 82.3 75.2 79.6 73.1 72.9 52.9 78.1 71.5 72.8 87.2
1986 82.8 76.8 84.8 77.2 82.1 76.1 76.6 59.2 80.7 75.2 76.7 81.0
1987 86.4 80.3 87.3 80.5 85.1 80.0 80.4 63.1 84.0 78.7 80.2 83.1
1988 88.7 84.0 90.6 84.7 86.7 83.5 84.9 67.8 87.0 82.3 84.0 83.6
1989 92.0 88.9 93.8 88.1 91.2 87.1 88.8 74.1 90.8 87.1 88.7 86.5
1990 95.8 93.9 95.8 90.6 96.3 91.4 92.5 80.6 94.5 92.0 92.6 95.1
1991 100.4 98.2 99.5 99.1 98.0 97.8 98.9 94.4 99.2 97.8 98.0 99.7
1992 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1993 101.7 101.4 101.0 101.0 103.2 102.7 102.4 101.6 101.6 102.1 102.0 101.3
1994 102.1 101.8 101.2 101.8 107.8 103.6 105.5 85.0 100.5 103.8 102.1 101.8
1995 104.5 102.9 103.1 101.7 113.4 103.5 109.5 84.9 102.4 106.4 104.3 103.2
1996 105.9 103.1 105.3 101.4 117.8 104.1 112.1 86.6 104.0 108.1 105.8 106.2
1997 107.6 103.3 106.6 102.7 121.5 105.9 114.9 89.3 105.6 109.9 107.5 108.7
1998 109.3 103.7 108.2 103.9 120.5 108.1 117.5 92.6 105.8 111.9 108.9 104.3
1999 110.7 105.1 109.0 105.3 124.5 110.2 119.6 94.5 107.7 113.8 110.5 110.2
2000 112.2 108.8 110.0 105.5 130.7 112.0 122.5 97.6 111.1 116.4 112.2 128.1
2001 117.2 112.8 112.2 106.0 130.8 114.2 124.3 105.1 113.9 119.3 114.4 132.3
J 114.7 111.0 110.5 104.8 131.2 113.1 121.4 99.2 112.3 117.5 112.8 130.9
F 115.6 110.8 111.0 106.5 131.5 113.6 122.9 99.4 112.7 118.1 113.4 129.9
M 116.6 111.9 111.3 107.9 130.1 113.5 123.5 99.4 113.5 118.1 113.5 131.6
A 117.0 112.5 112.0 106.5 132.1 114.0 123.9 103.3 114.7 118.5 113.9 136.4
M 117.9 113.8 112.2 104.9 134.0 114.4 125.3 105.2 116.2 119.0 114.3 143.5
J 118.1 114.2 112.4 104.5 133.0 114.9 125.6 105.4 115.8 119.5 114.5 141.7
J 118.6 113.7 112.4 105.8 130.4 114.8 126.2 105.7 114.5 120.2 114.9 133.1
A 117.7 113.7 112.5 106.6 130.9 114.2 126.2 106.4 114.3 120.4 115.1 133.4
S 116.9 113.4 113.2 107.9 133.0 114.2 126.0 106.5 114.8 120.4 115.2 137.0
O 116.8 113.6 113.0 107.2 130.3 115.0 124.5 106.8 113.8 120.3 115.1 131.0
N 117.3 112.0 112.7 105.2 126.9 114.7 123.2 111.7 112.1 119.9 114.9 119.5
D 118.6 112.6 113.0 103.7 126.0 114.5 122.9 111.9 112.3 120.0 114.8 119.1
J 120.0 113.0 112.9 102.3 126.9 114.3 122.3 112.2 112.8 120.2 114.7 121.8

1 For information on the continuity of the series, see "Technical Notes (The Consumer Price Index) - Weights and Linking" at the end of this publication.

Statistics Canada - Catalogue no.62-001-XPB