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Table - 10: Average Retail Prices for Gasoline and Fuel Oil, by City - Cents per Litre, 2001-2002

  St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Halifax, Nova Scotia Saint John, New Brunswick Québec, Quebec Montréal, Quebec Ottawa, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Thunder Bay, Ontario Winnipeg, Manitoba Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Edmonton, Alberta Calgary, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia Victoria, British Columbia Whitehorse, Yukon Yellowknife, Northwest Territories  
Regular unleaded gasoline at full service filling stations                                      
January-2001 83.6 80.4 77.8 73.5 77.0 77.7 70.6 71.8 72.1 64.4 72.7 72.8 64.4 65.5 71.6 75.6 85.9 87.9  
February-2001 83.6 71.9 78.0 72.7 77.5 78.8 69.5 70.9 74.9 68.9 74.8 74.6 66.9 66.9 72.2 74.8 83.8 87.9  
March-2001 83.6 71.6 77.7 71.8 78.7 77.4 68.9 68.8 73.6 65.9 70.8 70.6 63.4 64.1 69.6 74.0 83.3 87.9  
April-2001 85.4 74.1 81.7 77.0 81.5 82.9 74.6 77.0 79.1 65.4 68.8 69.4 62.6 63.5 73.7 74.1 81.3 87.9  
May-2001 90.5 76.4 84.9 83.2 85.8 85.7 78.0 80.3 84.4 72.7 78.0 78.0 69.3 71.3 72.7 77.7 84.8 88.8  
June-2001 87.6 77.6 80.2 77.6 80.3 77.5 71.0 70.9 85.5 77.0 81.0 82.1 69.9 76.5 79.4 83.5 88.6 93.0  
July-2001 80.3 77.6 74.5 70.8 69.9 70.9 64.7 65.3 76.8 66.3 72.6 72.0 62.0 65.4 70.8 74.4 86.9 89.9  
August-2001 79.6 74.1 74.0 71.3 72.4 74.5 69.0 67.4 75.1 66.9 72.8 73.4 61.1 65.5 69.4 72.9 80.4 89.9  
September-2001 82.4 70.7 77.2 71.9 75.6 76.7 72.2 71.4 83.0 75.4 82.6 83.4 71.8 77.3 78.2 83.0 85.9 93.9  
October-2001 78.7 72.1 70.7 68.6 72.9 72.9 63.7 66.2 71.6 66.6 71.6 71.4 58.8 64.2 73.0 78.0 81.9 88.2  
November-2001 73.7 68.7 65.2 62.7 64.3 64.5 59.2 61.7 65.2 56.3 64.7 64.6 52.3 53.8 64.2 69.1 75.9 83.2  
December-2001 70.9 63.3 64.4 63.2 58.1 65.2 58.1 59.6 59.9 51.3 59.3 59.1 48.7 50.8 60.1 62.8 73.7 82.4  
January-2002 72.0 60.6 64.3 65.8 62.5 64.2 59.4 60.5 65.5 54.0 63.9 63.1 49.9 55.0 60.3 64.4 72.6 82.4  
Premium unleaded gasoline at full service filling stations                                      
January-2001 90.3 84.6 83.6 79.6 84.4 85.5 80.0 82.0 82.8 75.2 82.2 82.8 74.3 75.1 82.2 85.9 93.0 92.8  
February-2001 90.3 75.7 82.2 79.0 85.1 86.4 79.1 80.9 86.0 79.2 84.3 84.5 77.2 76.5 82.7 84.9 92.0 93.1  
March-2001 90.3 75.8 83.7 78.3 85.9 85.0 79.3 79.0 85.3 75.8 79.7 80.6 73.3 73.4 80.0 84.1 91.4 93.1  
April-2001 92.1 78.3 87.8 83.1 88.8 90.4 84.5 87.4 89.4 76.0 78.5 79.4 72.1 73.4 84.1 84.2 90.2 93.6  
May-2001 97.2 80.5 90.4 88.3 93.1 93.3 88.5 90.9 94.3 82.2 87.5 87.7 78.4 81.2 83.0 87.7 92.7 94.6  
June-2001 94.1 81.8 85.2 84.0 87.6 85.1 81.0 81.9 95.1 86.3 91.0 90.9 80.1 86.2 89.8 93.6 96.4 98.6  
July-2001 87.0 81.8 80.4 77.3 77.2 78.8 75.2 75.2 87.1 76.9 83.1 81.5 71.6 74.8 80.7 84.6 95.3 95.5  
August-2001 85.8 79.0 80.2 77.8 79.5 82.3 79.6 77.0 85.9 77.6 83.2 82.5 70.8 75.4 79.7 83.0 92.4 95.3  
September-2001 89.1 75.0 83.4 78.5 81.7 84.1 82.5 81.2 92.6 84.3 93.0 93.0 81.6 87.3 88.2 93.1 95.5 99.2  
October-2001 84.6 76.3 76.6 75.1 79.8 80.6 74.6 76.0 81.2 76.5 81.3 81.2 68.6 74.1 83.2 88.1 92.2 94.2  
November-2001 79.9 73.0 71.5 69.1 71.5 72.9 69.1 72.4 73.9 66.1 74.4 76.0 62.2 63.6 74.3 79.2 86.4 89.8  
December-2001 76.5 67.5 70.9 69.4 64.0 73.5 68.3 69.7 70.5 61.8 69.0 68.7 58.7 60.7 70.2 72.7 84.5 89.0  
January-2002 77.1 64.7 70.8 72.5 69.3 72.7 69.6 70.3 74.9 64.0 73.6 72.7 59.7 65.1 70.3 74.1 82.7 89.0  
Regular unleaded gasoline at self service filling stations                                      
January-2001 81.1 79.3 75.2 71.7 76.8 77.1 70.5 70.4 70.6 62.9 72.4 72.4 62.6 64.8 69.4 74.4 84.9 87.7  
February-2001 80.9 70.3 75.3 71.4 77.0 77.4 67.8 69.6 72.5 67.7 74.3 74.2 65.3 66.1 70.6 73.9 82.7 87.5  
March-2001 80.9 70.2 74.9 69.8 78.4 76.1 66.0 67.3 71.1 64.6 69.6 70.6 61.9 62.7 66.5 73.0 81.7 87.5  
April-2001 83.1 72.8 78.2 75.2 81.9 81.3 71.3 75.4 76.5 63.4 68.6 69.1 61.3 62.6 70.6 73.1 80.2 87.5  
May-2001 88.4 74.9 82.1 80.4 84.7 84.5 74.9 78.8 81.3 71.9 77.0 77.7 68.8 70.8 73.4 76.5 81.9 88.6  
June-2001 85.1 76.4 77.2 75.8 78.7 75.5 68.8 69.2 81.8 75.6 81.1 81.9 69.3 75.4 76.9 82.4 87.4 93.4  
July-2001 77.6 76.2 71.9 68.7 69.1 69.0 62.9 64.4 72.4 65.4 71.9 71.8 61.0 64.2 67.0 73.4 86.9 89.4  
August-2001 76.9 73.0 71.8 69.1 71.9 73.5 66.9 64.8 73.6 66.3 72.5 72.4 61.8 63.9 67.2 71.9 79.8 89.4  
September-2001 79.7 69.4 74.6 69.7 75.1 75.4 69.5 71.2 82.3 73.8 83.9 82.4 69.8 76.3 73.8 81.9 84.4 93.4  
October-2001 76.4 70.8 68.0 66.4 72.3 69.4 61.3 64.2 68.3 64.9 71.9 71.0 56.7 64.2 71.3 77.1 82.0 89.0  
November-2001 71.0 67.6 62.8 60.7 63.5 61.9 57.0 60.1 61.8 54.2 64.4 64.3 51.0 52.6 62.3 67.7 74.7 83.6  
December-2001 68.2 62.1 61.9 61.3 58.0 63.9 55.1 57.9 58.3 49.7 59.3 58.9 46.5 50.5 58.2 61.9 73.6 82.0  
January-2002 68.7 59.4 61.8 63.3 60.8 63.4 56.0 58.6 63.7 52.2 63.6 63.6 47.4 53.8 57.8 63.4 71.5 82.0  
Premium unleaded gasoline at self service filling stations                                      
January-2001 87.7 83.4 81.0 78.7 83.7 83.9 80.1 80.1 80.4 72.8 82.6 82.1 72.6 74.7 78.9 84.8 91.3 95.3  
February-2001 87.7 74.5 81.9 78.5 84.3 84.3 77.7 80.0 82.0 77.7 84.6 84.0 75.3 75.3 80.7 84.4 89.9 95.1  
March-2001 87.7 74.4 81.5 76.9 85.8 83.0 76.4 77.2 80.7 74.3 80.1 80.2 71.3 72.2 76.7 83.4 89.5 95.1  
April-2001 89.8 76.8 84.8 81.6 89.3 88.1 81.5 85.2 86.1 73.6 78.7 78.8 71.0 72.3 80.8 83.5 88.2 95.6  
May-2001 95.2 79.1 88.4 87.4 92.3 91.0 85.1 89.0 90.8 81.9 87.1 87.6 78.7 80.5 83.6 87.0 89.9 97.1  
June-2001 91.4 80.6 83.2 82.6 85.8 81.4 79.1 79.2 91.4 85.5 91.4 91.7 78.9 84.8 87.2 92.9 94.2 101.6  
July-2001 84.4 80.5 77.7 75.6 76.0 75.4 73.1 73.8 82.0 75.4 82.6 81.8 70.5 73.7 77.5 83.8 93.0 97.6  
August-2001 83.4 77.2 77.8 75.6 78.7 79.6 77.2 73.7 83.2 76.2 83.2 82.3 71.2 73.7 77.5 82.4 87.8 97.6  
September-2001 86.7 73.5 81.2 76.5 81.7 80.7 80.0 81.2 91.7 83.4 93.9 91.9 79.6 86.2 84.0 92.4 92.8 99.7  
October-2001 81.7 75.0 74.2 73.2 78.9 75.8 71.9 73.3 77.9 74.9 82.7 80.8 66.7 73.6 81.4 87.6 88.8 96.7  
November-2001 76.6 71.8 69.5 66.9 70.0 68.4 67.6 69.4 71.2 63.7 74.6 74.2 60.7 62.4 72.6 77.8 81.6 91.3  
December-2001 73.7 66.2 68.5 68.0 64.3 70.0 66.1 67.4 68.1 59.8 69.5 68.9 56.4 60.4 68.7 72.4 80.2 90.2  
January-2002 73.8 63.6 68.5 70.2 67.3 69.3 66.4 68.2 73.9 62.6 73.6 73.6 57.4 63.6 68.0 73.9 78.2 90.2  
Household Heating Fuel                                      
January-2001 63.3 56.5 59.2 66.6 56.3 58.3 65.5 64.6 61.1 62.0 60.2 58.7 . . 61.7 64.8 65.9 56.3  
February-2001 58.7 50.7 57.8 62.7 52.4 55.3 63.8 63.6 58.9 62.3 59.5 58.8 . . 60.5 60.5 64.7 54.6  
March-2001 56.0 50.7 56.4 60.5 51.1 52.3 59.8 60.9 54.6 60.2 57.7 56.8 . . 60.0 59.1 64.0 52.3  
April-2001 55.6 53.4 56.3 60.1 48.6 50.9 58.4 56.4 54.4 60.2 55.8 55.9 . . 58.6 57.7 62.2 51.1  
May-2001 55.7 52.3 56.7 59.7 48.6 50.2 57.7 54.8 53.7 60.5 53.1 56.0 . . 59.6 57.3 64.1 51.8  
June-2001 55.7 52.3 56.7 59.7 48.6 50.2 57.7 54.8 53.7 60.5 53.1 56.0 . . 59.6 57.3 64.1 51.8  
July-2001 55.7 52.3 56.7 59.7 48.6 50.2 57.7 54.8 53.7 60.5 53.1 56.0 . . 59.6 57.3 64.1 51.8  
August-2001 55.7 52.3 56.7 59.7 48.6 50.2 57.7 54.8 53.7 60.5 53.1 56.0 . . 59.6 57.3 64.1 51.8  
September-2001 52.7 49.8 53.2 57.4 50.6 47.3 52.7 53.2 58.0 62.6 59.2 60.4 . . 58.6 58.9 65.3 58.5  
October-2001 51.4 51.4 51.3 56.2 46.7 46.3 51.3 52.4 53.9 60.8 55.6 55.6 . . 55.3 57.1 63.2 51.2  
November-2001 47.3 48.2 49.0 52.4 44.7 45.2 51.3 51.8 50.3 57.4 52.8 55.1 . . 54.5 55.9 62.5 48.5  
December-2001 46.0 45.8 46.3 49.3 44.7 42.7 48.4 48.3 49.7 54.4 49.8 52.7 . . 49.8 52.4 52.6 43.4  
January-2002 43.6 42.6 45.7 47.8 44.0 43.1 47.0 47.5 45.1 49.5 49.2 52.0 . . 49.0 50.7 53.4 42.1  

Statistics Canada - Catalogue no. 62-001-XPB