Data quality, concepts and methodology: Definitions
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Inter-regional transfers - Shows the net inter-regional movement of product between regions.
Inter-product transfers - Shows the transfer of similar products between different product forms, e.g. still gas to natural gas, natural gas to produce hydrogen in petroleum refineries.
Other adjustments - Includes cyclical billing variations, metering differences and losses in transportation.In the case of crude oil, includes sales to non-refineries.
Availability - The amount which was available for use. This includes the summation of production, imports, inter-regional transfers, inter-product transfers and other adjustments, less exports and stock variation.
Net supply - The amount "available" after the amounts used in transformation processes are subtracted. Availability minus stock change – utilities and industry, transformed to electricity – by utilities, transformed to electricity – by industry, transformed to coke and manufactured gases, transformed to refined products and transformed to steam generation. Net refinery production is included in net supply for propane and butane.
Producers' Consumption - Producers' consumption as measured here is the consumption by the producing industry of its own produced fuel – for example refined petroleum products consumed by the refined petroleum product industry, or natural gas used in the field, flared and waste, field uses, gathering uses, plant uses and metering adjustments. It does not include consumption of energy forms produced by other energy supply industries – for example; it would exclude the use of natural gas by the petroleum refining industry. In the case of electricity, it includes transmission losses, adjustments, "unaccounted for" amounts which are subject to variation because of cyclical billing, etc., but excludes generating station use output as measured at the generating station gate.
Non-energy use - Amounts shown here are for amounts used for purposes other than fuel purposes. Includes products being used as petrochemical feedstock, anodes/cathodes, greases, lubricants, etc.
Energy use – final demand - The summation of the usage in mining and oil and gas extraction, manufacturing, forestry, construction, transportation, agriculture, residential, public administration and commercial and other institutional.For Propane, it includes non-energy use.
Total mining and oil and gas extraction - Comprises establishments primarily engaged in extracting naturally occurring minerals. This includes metal mines, non-metal mines, coal mines, crude petroleum and natural gas extraction industries, stone quarries gravel pits, exploration for minerals, development of mineral properties and contract drilling operations. NAICS code 21.
Pulp and paper - Includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pulp, paper and paper products. NAICS code 322.
Iron and steel - Establishments primarily engaged in operating blast furnaces, casting mills, rolling mills or coke ovens operated in association with blast furnaces including steel foundries. NAICS codes 3311, 3312 and 33151.
Smelting and refining, non-ferrous - Establishments primarily engaged in the production of aluminum and the refining of non-ferrous metals. NAICS codes 3313, 3314 and 33152.
Cement - Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cement. NAICS code 327310. This classification does not include ready-mix concrete operations, which is included in "Other Manufacturing".
Petroleum refining - Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing of a group of refined petroleum products including fuels, blended oils and greases. NAICS code 324110 and part of 324190.
Chemicals - Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial organic and inorganic chemicals and chemical fertilizers. NAICS code 325.
Other manufacturing - All other manufacturing industries (NAICS codes 31, 32 and 33) not listed above. In some instances, this classification is used when no breakdown of the component manufacturing industries is provided.
Total manufacturing - The summation of manufacturing industries.
Forestry - Establishments primarily engaged in forestry and logging services. NAICS codes 113 and 1153.
Construction - Establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings, highways, dams, etc., and those providing services to the construction industry. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in construction work in such specialties as plumbing, carpentry, painting, etc. are included here. NAICS code 23. Sales of asphalt (in Non-energy refined petroleum products table) for paving purposes, regardless of the purchaser, are included here.
Canadian airlines - Domestic airlines engaged primarily in the for-hire, common-carrier transportation of people and/or goods using aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters.NAICS code 481.Exclude foreign airlines.Also excluded are establishments engaged in providing specialty flying services such as aerial photography, surveying, air taxi, flying clubs, flying schools, recreation flying, etc., which are included in 'Commercial and Other Institutional'.Aerial crop spraying/crop dusting is considered to be 'Agriculture'.
Domestic marine - Establishments primarily engaged in the water transportation of passengers and goods, using equipment designed for those purposes and provided by ships of Canadian registry (flag). Commercial fishing is also included. NAICS codes 1141 and 483. Excluded are usage by National Defence and the Canadian Coast Guard, which are included in Public Administration.
Pipelines - Establishments primarily engaged in operating pipelines for the transport of natural gas, crude oil and other products. Also included are establishments engaged in the distribution of natural gas through a series of mains. NAICS codes 486 and 2212.
Road transport and urban transit - Establishments primarily engaged in truck transport services, in the operation of urban, interurban and rural transit systems, school buses, charter and sightseeing buses, taxis and limousine services to airports and stations. Card Lock (Key Lock) operations are also included here. NAICS codes 484, 485, 4871, 4879, 4884, 4885 and 4889.
Transportation - In this sector, only the use of fuel by the transportation industry for transportation purposes are included. Excluded are any fuels used for activities not directly involved in transportation (i.e. train stations, warehouses, airports, etc.). These amounts are included in Commercial and other institutional. Fuels, which have been purchased for use by the agriculture, commercial and public institutions sectors for transportation purposes, are included in the sectors to which the fuel was sold.
Agriculture - Establishments primarily engaged in agricultural, hunting and trapping activities. NAICS codes 111, 112, 1142, 1151 and 1152. Excluded are any operations primarily engaged in food processing, farm machinery manufacture and repair.
Residential - Includes all personal residences including single family residences, apartments, apartment hotels, condominiums and farm homes.
Public administration - Establishments of federal, provincial and municipal governments primarily engaged in activities associated with public administration. This includes such establishments as the Federal Public Service, National Defence, RCMP and provincial and local administrations. NAICS code 91.
Commercial and other institutional - Final consumers other than those listed above. This includes service industries related to mining, transportation, as well as storage and warehousing, communications and utility (excluding electricity and natural gas), wholesale and retail trade, finance and insurance, real estate and business service, education, health and social services and other service industries.
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