Table 9
Primary electricity generation

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Primary electricity generation
Table summary
This table displays further details of primary electricity generation. The row headers provide information by province. The column headers provide information by type of generation, in natural units (gigawatt hours for hydro and nuclear; tonnes for uranium used). The first two columns both represent hydro generation but are further broken down to identify generation by utilities and by industries separately.
  Hydro Nuclear Uranium used
Utility Industry
    gigawatt hours tonnes
Canada 368 022 28 514 95 682 1 596
Newfoundland and Labrador 39047  916
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 2659
New Brunswick 3618 4277 58
Quebec 176945 19623
Ontario 41366 623 91405 1538
Manitoba 35824
Saskatchewan 4045
Alberta 7017 197
British Columbia 56914 7099
Yukon 422
Northwest Territories 164 56
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