Table 4-7
Refined petroleum products, terajoules — Quebec

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  Refinery liquefied petroleum gases (LPG's) Still gas Motor gasoline Kerosene and stove oil Diesel fuel oil Light fuel oil Heavy fuel oil Petroleum coke Aviation gasoline Aviation turbo fuel Non- energy products Total products
Supply and demand characteristics  
Production x 33,689 367,262 25,698 268,242 29,985 87,533 x 1,743 36,386 92,474 x
Exports x . 10,602 3,101 37,982 8,098 42,007 . 3 82 15,254 x
Imports .. . 98,196 855 36,400 1,746 8,615 x .. 25,795 28,672 x
Inter-regional transfers x . -172,242 -422 -72,517 116 10,098 .. -818 -19,545 -18,549 x
Stock variation x .. 1,726 30 -1,543 1,602 -2,750 x -168 -191 -3,069 x
Inter-product transfers x .. 10,101 -18,855 -22,532 19,066 18,458 x -17 -4,926 -58,492 x
Other adjustments x -2,552 17,010 987 4,822 361 -3,659 x -74 -5,943 27,944 x
Availability x 31,136 308,004 5,136 177,976 41,566 81,787 x 1,002 31,876 59,865 x
Stock change, utilities and industry . . . . . . 16,057 x . . . x
Transformed to other fuels:  
Electricity by utilities . . . . 27 4 2,287 . . . . 2,318
Electricity by industry . . . . .. .. .. . . . . ..
Coke and manufactured gases . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refined petroleum products . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam generation . . . . . . 85 . . . . 85
Net supply x 31,136 308,004 5,136 177,949 41,563 63,359 x 1,002 31,876 59,865 x
Producer consumption .. 31,136 18 11 27 .. 5,682 x .. .. 27 x
Non-energy use ... . . . . . . x . . 59,967 x
Energy use, final demand ... . 307,976 5,128 177,923 41,570 57,677 2,992 1,002 31,876 ... 626,144
Total industrial ... . . 154 18,292 1,773 16,443 2,992 . . ... 39,654
Total mining and oil and gas extraction ... . . 87 6,496 151 1,887 .. . . ... ..
Total manufacturing ... . . .. 6,526 1,180 14,089 2,992 . . ... ..
Pulp and paper manufacturing ... . . .. x 287 6,477 . . . ... x
Iron and steel manufacturing ... . . . x .. .. .. . . ... x
Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing ... . . .. x 221 x .. . . ... x
Cement manufacturing ... . . . .. .. x x . . ... x
Refined petroleum products manufacturing ... . . . . . . . . . ... .
Chemicals and fertilizers manufacturing ... . . . .. .. 89 x . . ... x
All other manufacturing ... . . .. x 671 255 x . . ... x
Forestry and logging and support activities for forestry ... . . 15 3,129 70 468 . . . ... 3,682
Construction ... . . 53 2,141 369 .. . . . ... ..
Total transportation ... . 292,957 . 123,521 .. 18,658 . 365 28,918 ... ..
Railways ... . . . 9,801 . .. . . . ... ..
Total airlines ... . . . . . . . .. 28,918 ... ..
Canadian airlines ... . . . . . . . 365 26,311 ... 26,676
Foreign airlines ... . . . . . . . .. 2,607 ... ..
Total marine ... . .. . 4,638 .. 18,657 . . . ... ..
Domestic marine ... . .. . 4,592 .. 12,975 . . . ... ..
Foreign marine ... . . . 46 . 5,682 . . . ... 5,728
Pipelines ... . . . 463 . . . . . ... 463
Road transport and urban transit ... . 6,083 . 45,428 . . . . . ... 51,511
Retail pump sales ... . 286,874 . 63,191 . . . . . ... 350,065
Agriculture ... . 5,145 .. 5,266 190 .. . . . ... ..
Residential ... . . 1,481 . 21,705 .. . . . ... ..
Public administration ... . 1,390 117 3,665 772 213 . .. 703 ... ..
Commercial and other institutional ... . 8,488 3,369 27,178 17,134 22,364 . 637 2,255 ... 81,425
Statistical difference ... .. 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..