Text table 12
Tonnage of top ten commodities, all origins and destinations, 2008 and 2009

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Tonnage of top ten commodities, all origins and destinations, 2008 and 2009
Commodity  2008 2009 2009/2008 change
   tonnes percent
26 Coal 34,508,536 29,874,875 -13.4
63 Mixed loads or unidentified freight 25,926,192 22,224,278 -14.3
01 Wheat 18,564,197 22,124,215 19.2
20 Iron ores and concentrates 19,942,859 21,954,804 10.1
05 Colza seeds (canola) 6,909,005 8,354,166 20.9
34 Other basic chemicals 9,356,776 8,131,266 -13.1
43 Wood pulp 8,845,765 7,640,835 -13.6
41 Lumber 9,656,050 7,189,808 -25.5
35 Potash 16,553,396 6,839,159 -58.7
02 Other cereal grains 7,710,614 5,849,546 -24.1
Total of the top ten commodities 157,973,390 140,182,952 -11.3
Other commodities 112,513,314 94,616,111 -15.9
Total tonnage of all rail commodities 270,486,704 234,799,063 -13.2