Table 6
Operational statistics for major Canadian airlines, Level IA, June 2014

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Operational statistics for major Canadian airlines, Level IA, June 2014
Table summary
The table provides operating statistics for both scheduled and charter air services for the month of June 2014. The rows in this table provide detailed information on scheduled and charter air services both separately and combined. The column headers reflect that month, for Air Canada and WestJet, with the units used being thousands. There is also a column reflecting the percentage change in each value from 2013 to 2014 for Air Canada and WestJet.
  Air Canada WestJet
June 2014 Change from  2013 to 2014 June 2014 Change from  2013 to 2014
  thousands percent thousands percent
Total passengers 2,249 7.1 1,558 5.8
Total scheduled services 2,249 7.1 1,556 5.8
Total charter services 0 -66.2 2 0.0
Total passenger-kilometres 8,311,082 10.1 2,530,459 5.0
Total scheduled services 8,310,533 10.1 2,528,243 5.0
Total charter services 549 -20.3 2,217 0.0
Total available seat-kilometres 9,580,201 9.6 3,270,900 4.3
Total scheduled services 9,579,318 9.6 3,268,683 4.3
Domestic 2,458,413 4.5 2,223,080 2.4
International 7,120,905 11.5 1,045,604 8.5
Total charter services 884 -8.7 2,217 0.0
Total load factors - scheduled (%) 86.8 ... 77.3 ...
Total goods carried (kilograms) 20,958 3.5 568 29.2
Total scheduled services 20,958 3.5 568 29.2
Total charter services 0 0 ...
Total goods tonne-kilometres 137,886 5.7 1,368 49.3
Total scheduled services 137,886 5.7 1,368 49.3
Total charter services 0 0 ...
Hours flown 70 -0.7 38 8.7
Turbo fuel consumed (litres) 323,460 4.3 95,922 4.8
Level IA. This includes every Canadian air carrier that, in the calendar year before the year in which information is provided, transported at least ten million revenue passengers.
As of April 2014, Air Canada data include Air Canada rouge.
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