Table 20
Estimated annual distance travelled by type of vehicle and by province or territory of domicile, owner operators, 2007

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Estimated annual distance travelled by type of vehicle and by province or territory of domicile, owner operators, 2007
  Total distance Straight trucks Road tractors
  thousands kilometres
Newfoundland and Labrador 62,884 3,340 59,543
Prince Edward Island 25,266 F F
Nova Scotia 135,569 11,474 124,095
New Brunswick 276,736 7,603 269,133
Quebec 1,284,498 202,797 1,081,701
Ontario 3,069,493 398,846 2,670,646
Manitoba 441,084 17,501 423,583
Saskatchewan 387,873 26,137 361,736
Alberta 1,114,565 180,687 933,879
British Columbia 1,121,572 145,864 975,708
Yukon 1,855 x x
Northwest Territories x x x
Nunavut x x x
Canada 7,923,071 996,807 6,926,265
Some totals may not add due to rounding.