Table 13
Summary statistics by type of activity, local transport1, owner operators, 2007

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Summary statistics by type of activity, local transport, owner operators, 2007
Local carriers Total General freight Bulk liquids Dry bulk materials Forest products Other commodities
Estimated number reporting (No.) 21,337 6,993 1,051 8,465 1,489 3,339
  thousands of dollars
Operating revenue 3,866,533 1,044,919 370,245 1,405,195 399,353 646,821
Operating expenses 3,416,417 921,143 329,462 1,226,522 373,227 566,063
Salaries and wages 694,967 208,809 85,972 230,463 75,741 93,982
Benefits 9,871 3,035 1,035 3,335 1,077 1,389
Fuel 869,976 233,886 67,532 309,084 115,412 144,062
Owner operator expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0
Purchased transport 449,347 119,004 35,889 157,504 31,091 105,859
Maintenance 362,276 89,967 43,102 132,802 53,690 42,715
Depreciation 354,418 72,668 38,537 147,147 37,997 58,069
Insurance 135,505 37,585 12,753 46,242 16,226 22,699
Rent 110,078 26,962 12,556 43,344 7,758 19,458
Other expenses 429,979 129,227 32,086 156,601 34,234 77,831
Full time employees 2(No.) 30,157 9,718 2,264 11,127 2,334 4,714
Equipment operated (No.) 40,424 11,087 2,055 16,993 4,141 6,148
Straight trucks (No.) 11,823 2,142 588 7,056 681 1,356
Distance travelled ('000 km) 627,736 125,147 40,488 333,225 51,718 77,158
Average distance ('000 km) 53 58 69 47 76 57
Road tractors (No.) 15,485 6,291 966 3,801 1,682 2,745
Distance travelled ('000 km) 1,433,356 476,672 137,509 303,071 189,512 326,592
Average distance ('000 km) 93 76 142 80 113 119
Semi-trailers (No.) 10,629 2,112 458 4881 1,417 1,761
Other (No.) 2,488 542 43 1254 362 287
Total distance ('000 km) 2,061,089 601,818 177,997 636,295 241,230 403,749
Fuel consumed ('000 L) 1,189,978 346,793 72,721 420,631 149,056 200,777
Excludes household goods movers.
Working owner included.
Some totals may not add due to rounding.