Table 1-1
Domestic sales of refined petroleum products by province — Canada

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  Year 2009 Year-to-date 2009 Year-to-date 2010 September 2009 September 2010 Vector number
   thousands of cubic metres  
Propane and propane mixes 1,269.1 964.7 825.8 101.5 99.9 v21487
Butane and butane mixes 1,182.9 1,023.4 871.5 144.6 107.2 v21695
Petro-chemical feedstocks 3,000.8 2,203.9 3,598.7 184.1 456.8 v21887
Naphtha specialties 43.1 30.1 39.8 3.9 4.9 v22043
Aviation gasoline 85.4 72.9 64.0 8.5 6.8 v22252
Motor gasoline 42,319.4 31,690.9 33,706.7 3,624.7 3,843.5 v22455
Premium motor gasoline 3,553.5 2,705.6 2,824.0 338.6 323.0 v22456
Mid-grade motor gasoline 1,305.8 455.6 414.9 63.1 39.2 v22457
Regular no-lead motor gasoline 37,457.5 28,527.7 30,464.7 3,222.8 3,481.1 v22458
Regular leaded motor gasoline 2.6 2.1 3.2 0.2 0.2 v22459
Retail sales of motor gasoline 37,780.1 28,291.9 30,028.7 3,237.0 3,431.4 v22460
Aviation turbo fuel, kerosene type 5,855.2 4,486.7 4,664.6 496.8 529.2 v24955
Aviation turbo fuel, naphtha type 65.6 63.8 6.8 35.5 1.5 v25154
Stove oil, kerosene 344.0 238.2 288.7 21.3 47.1 v22973
Diesel fuel oil 26,010.2 19,151.3 21,604.4 2,341.6 2,667.3 v23190
Net sales of low sulphur 22,770.1 16,814.8 19,356.3 2,013.8 2,404.2 v23191
Light fuel oil 3,414.9 2,417.9 2,463.6 152.1 233.3 v23428
Heavy fuel oil 4,813.3 3,653.8 4,122.2 419.4 375.4 v23643
Net sales of low sulphur x x x x x v23644
Asphalt 3,254.0 2,464.2 3,058.3 480.1 458.1 v23868
Petroleum coke (including coke from catalytic cracker) 1,287.9 952.3 1,150.9 149.1 145.3 v24068
Lubricating oils and greases 1,018.7 759.3 783.3 84.9 92.7 v24181
Still gas 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v24399
Other petroleum products 2,578.3 1,837.6 1,975.3 131.4 159.5 v24513
Total refined petroleum products 96,542.8 72,010.9 79,224.5 8,379.3 9,228.6 v24729