Table 6-1
Supply and disposition of petroleum products, Alberta — Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products

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Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products
  Year 2009 Year-to-date 2009 Year-to-date 2010 September 2009 September 2010 Vector number
  thousands of cubic metres  
Refinery supply of crude oil  
Total domestic crude receipts 22,687.1 16,430.5 18,723.2 1,753.4 2,026.0 v21298
Receipts of Western Canada crude 22,687.1 16,430.5 18,723.2 1,753.4 2,026.0 v21283
Receipts of Eastern Canada crude . . . . . .
Total crude imports . . . . . .
OPEC . . . . . .
Iran . . . . . .
Iraq . . . . . .
Ecuador . . . . . .
Saudi Arabia . . . . . .
Algeria . . . . . .
Venezuela . . . . . .
Nigeria . . . . . .
Kuwait . . . . . .
Libya . . . . . .
United Arab Emirates . . . . . .
Qatar . . . . . .
Angola . . . . . .
North Sea . . . . . .
United Kingdom . . . . . .
Norway . . . . . .
North America . . . . . .
Mexico . . . . . .
United States . . . . . .
Other countries 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .
Grand total receipts of crude oil and equivalent 22,687.1 16,430.5 18,723.2 1,753.4 2,026.0 v21284
Received by pipeline 21,058.4 15,291.4 17,621.8 1,564.8 1,910.7 v21285
Received by other means 1,628.8 1,139.2 1,101.4 188.6 115.3 v21286
Crude oil opening inventories 772.8 772.8 584.1 576.5 124.3 v21289
Crude oil closing inventories 584.1 567.0 80.5 567.0 80.5 v21290
Losses and adjustments 32.8 31.2 475.6 0.5 0.6 v21291
Total crude and equivalent charged 22,843.1 16,605.1 18,751.2 1,762.5 2,069.2 v21292
Feedstock charged  
Conventional crude oil (light) charged 4,920.1 3,580.5 3,563.8 415.6 352.2 v21293
Conventional crude oil (heavy) charged 1,397.8 1,072.6 1,187.7 119.1 139.8 v21294
Synthetic crude oil (light) charged 15,785.8 11,384.3 13,369.5 1,178.8 1,502.2 v21295
Crude bitumen charged 739.4 567.8 630.2 49.0 75.0 v21296
Condensates and pentanes plus charged 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21297
Total other materials charged as feedstocks 2,025.7 1,427.3 1,306.1 109.4 161.6 v21442
Crude tops used in operations 55.5 41.1 52.0 4.4 5.8 v21445
Crude bottoms used in operations 163.3 122.8 67.6 4.3 3.6 v21446
Liquefied petroleum gases used in operations 924.4 663.8 602.7 58.9 89.9 v21447
Natural gas used in operations 162.2 120.2 117.0 3.4 13.0 v21448
Lubricating oils and lubricating base stock used in operations to be reprocessed 13.4 10.1 25.0 1.0 1.1 v21443
Other feedstocks used in operations 706.9 469.4 441.9 37.3 48.2 v21444
Total feedstocks charged 24,868.7 18,032.4 20,057.3 1,871.9 2,230.8 v21449
Refinery losses -1,268.5 -892.9 -1,122.1 -75.6 -142.4 v24494
Total, all products  
Refinery production 26,137.2 18,925.3 21,179.4 1,947.5 2,373.2 v24851
Transfers to refinery feedstocks 2,025.7 1,427.3 1,306.1 109.4 161.6 v24859
Inter-provincial transfers in 738.7 583.9 815.3 60.5 96.6 v24860
Inter-provincial transfers out 8,678.7 6,218.6 6,658.1 661.2 693.3 v24861
Receipts from other reporting companies 6,014.1 4,454.1 5,031.7 565.5 658.0 v24862
Receipts from non-reporting companies 1,767.7 1,402.5 1,029.3 114.4 169.2 v24863
Imports 1,180.3 888.4 199.3 111.9 30.8 v24864
Opening inventory 1,526.2 1,526.2 1,204.1 1,413.8 1,340.0 v24852
Closing inventory 1,204.1 1,168.7 1,364.7 1,168.7 1,364.7 v24853
Deliveries to other reporting companies 5,430.0 4,115.1 4,371.8 597.4 613.6 v24854
Exports 995.6 708.8 1,023.4 73.0 125.3 v24855
Losses and adjustments 34.4 12.9 123.6 5.1 42.3 v24856
Own consumption 1,312.7 964.0 1,070.2 124.8 112.3 v24857
Domestic sales 17,683.1 13,165.0 13,541.1 1,474.1 1,554.5 v24858