Table 2-1
Supply and disposition of petroleum products, Canada — Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products

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Refinery supply of crude oil, feedstock charged and total refined petroleum products
  Year 2009 Year-to-date 2009 Year-to-date 2010 September 2009 September 2010 Vector number
  thousands of cubic metres  
Refinery supply of crude oil  
Total domestic crude receipts 53,412.3 39,696.4 42,875.4 4,425.7 4,520.8 v21137
Receipts of Western Canada crude 47,177.8 34,625.1 36,556.1 3,838.1 3,655.6 v21106
Receipts of Eastern Canada crude 6,234.5 5,071.3 6,319.2 587.5 865.2 v21125
Total crude imports 46,850.3 35,712.5 34,504.7 3,235.0 3,574.5 v21107
OPEC 20,691.7 16,698.4 16,747.3 2,098.5 1,812.5 ...
Iran 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21109
Iraq 1,500.6 1,431.9 1,497.5 101.3 0.0 v21110
Ecuador 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v2828470
Saudi Arabia 4,125.1 3,302.2 3,332.0 327.4 465.0 v21116
Algeria 8,670.0 6,149.8 4,717.2 751.6 269.4 v21108
Venezuela 1,932.7 1,932.7 1,380.7 200.0 239.0 v21120
Nigeria 1,947.6 1,750.5 3,220.0 157.7 389.3 v21114
Kuwait 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21111
Libya 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21112
United Arab Emirates 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v21117
Qatar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 v1275603
Angola 2,515.8 2,131.4 2,599.9 560.5 449.9 v1275574
North Sea 12,425.0 8,759.0 8,003.8 234.6 409.9 ...
United Kingdom 5,375.1 3,435.8 4,545.7 182.5 243.5 v21118
Norway 7,049.9 5,323.1 3,458.1 52.2 166.4 v21115
North America 2,085.7 1,817.5 1,972.7 122.2 314.1 ...
Mexico 1,298.5 1,190.1 1,385.2 93.8 215.7 v21113
United States 787.2 627.4 587.6 28.3 98.4 v21119
Other countries 11,647.8 8,437.7 7,780.9 779.7 1,038.0 ...
Grand total receipts of crude oil and equivalent 100,262.5 75,408.9 77,380.0 7,660.7 8,095.3 v21122
Received by pipeline 63,064.8 47,035.4 49,988.9 4,944.4 5,980.2 v21123
Received by other means 37,197.7 28,373.5 27,391.1 2,716.3 2,115.0 v21124
Crude oil opening inventories 3,263.7 3,263.7 3,067.0 3,000.7 3,217.8 v21128
Crude oil closing inventories 3,067.0 3,226.7 2,718.3 3,226.7 2,718.3 v21129
Losses and adjustments 35.4 35.8 -231.6 0.7 -0.5 v21130
Total crude and equivalent charged 100,423.8 75,410.1 77,960.3 7,434.0 8,595.3 v21131
Feedstock charged  
Conventional crude oil (light) charged 63,268.8 47,694.4 48,986.0 4,654.3 5,530.1 v21132
Conventional crude oil (heavy) charged 12,779.3 9,681.9 10,933.6 928.4 1,172.0 v21133
Synthetic crude oil (light) charged 21,140.4 15,364.6 16,315.5 1,656.6 1,773.7 v21134
Crude bitumen charged 2,580.3 2,129.6 1,389.1 174.5 83.1 v21135
Condensates and pentanes plus charged 655.0 539.6 336.1 20.1 36.3 v21136
Total other materials charged as feedstocks 8,744.1 6,114.1 6,326.5 651.7 783.3 v21397
Crude tops used in operations 593.5 395.7 212.9 38.9 7.1 v21400
Crude bottoms used in operations 332.9 240.7 173.4 7.5 19.2 v21401
Liquefied petroleum gases used in operations 2,484.2 1,807.2 2,510.8 148.2 318.2 v21402
Natural gas used in operations 733.1 516.8 597.5 51.4 67.2 v21403
Lubricating oils and lubricating base stock used in operations to be reprocessed 189.2 140.6 158.1 16.1 16.2 v21398
Other feedstocks used in operations 4,411.2 3,013.1 2,673.9 389.5 355.4 v21399
Total feedstocks charged 109,167.9 81,524.2 84,286.8 8,085.7 9,378.6 v21404
Refinery losses -5,189.9 -3,636.3 -3,984.8 -401.5 -478.4 v24476
Total, all products  
Refinery production 114,357.9 85,160.5 88,271.7 8,487.2 9,856.9 v24722
Transfers to refinery feedstocks 8,766.6 6,114.1 6,334.1 651.7 783.3 v24731
Inter-provincial transfers in 26,081.8 19,082.1 19,720.6 2,176.3 2,287.9 v24732
Inter-provincial transfers out 26,081.8 19,082.1 19,720.6 2,176.3 2,287.9 v24733
Receipts from other reporting companies 51,982.5 37,088.1 48,584.1 4,550.3 6,053.2 v24734
Receipts from non-reporting companies 5,787.6 4,555.9 5,354.3 489.0 671.1 v24735
Imports 14,122.8 10,414.9 9,421.8 1,315.0 994.1 v24736
Opening inventory 11,169.3 11,169.3 10,458.9 11,102.5 8,287.0 v24723
Closing inventory 10,458.9 10,303.5 8,373.2 10,303.5 8,373.2 v24724
Deliveries to other reporting companies 49,571.1 35,316.1 41,925.9 4,396.4 4,945.3 v24725
Exports 24,403.6 18,830.6 18,044.0 1,592.0 1,988.8 v24726
Losses and adjustments -93.0 -8.2 2,418.8 -29.7 18.0 v24727
Own consumption 7,770.1 5,821.5 5,761.8 650.9 525.2 v24728
Domestic sales 96,542.8 72,010.9 79,224.5 8,379.3 9,228.6 v24729