Appendix I: List of reporting companies

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  1. Refiners
  1. Chevron Canada Ltd.
  2. Consumers' Co-operative Refineries Ltd. - Newgrade Energy Inc.
  3. Husky Oil Marketing Limited
  4. Imperial Oil Ltd
  5. Irving Oil Ltd.
  6. New Alta Corporation
  7. Gibson Energy Marketing Ltd. (Moose Jaw Asphalt Inc.)
  8. North Atlantic Refining Ltd.
  9. Nova Chemicals (Canada) Ltd.
  10. Parkland Income Fund (Parkland Refining Ltd.)
  11. Suncor Energy Inc, (Petro-Canada)
  12. Safety-Kleen Canada Inc.
  13. Shell Canada Ltd.
  14. Suncor Energy Products Inc. (Sunoco)
  15. Ultramar Canada Inc.
  1. Distributors
  1. Wakefield Canada (Castrol Canada Inc.)
  2. Domo Gasoline Corporation Ltd.
  3. Le Groupe Pétrolier Olco Inc.
  4. Nesté Petroleum Canada Inc. (Québec Division)
  5. North 60 Petro Ltd.
  6. Northern Transportation Ltd.
  7. Pétroles Norcan Inc.
  8. Sipco Oil Limited
  9. Ashland Canada Corp. (Valvoline Canada Ltd.)
  10. Suncor Energy Marketing Inc. (Oil Sands Group)