Table 8
Production, shipments and stocks of pulp chips, 2013

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Production, shipments and stocks of pulp chips, 2013
Table summary
This table displays the results of the production, shipments and stocks of pulp chips from Canadian Lumber Manufacturers, in thousands of oven-dry metric tonnes. The row headers provide information for Canada, British Columbia and its regions. The first three column headers provide information on production, shipments and stocks for the reference month. The last 2 column headers provide year to date information for production and shipments.
  January Year-to-date
Production Shipments Stocks Production Shipments
  thousands of oven-dry metric tonnes
Canada 1,320.2 1,293.7 345.0 1,320.2 1,293.7
British Columbia 549.4 531.9 55.4 549.4 531.9
Coast 84.3 83.1 16.9 84.3 83.1
Interior 465.1 448.9 38.5 465.1 448.9
Northern interior 1 214.5 201.4 19.8 214.5 201.4
Southern interior 250.6 247.5 18.7 250.6 247.5
Other provinces 770.8 761.7 289.6 770.8 761.7
Northern interior includes: the northern interior of British Columbia and the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 303-0065.