Statistics Canada
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Service bulletin

July 2008


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Statistical tables

Production, shipments and stocks of lumber, 2008
  July Year-to-date
Production Shipments Stocks Production Shipments
   thousands of cubic meters
Canada 4,695.4 5,073.5 7,230.0 34,442.9 35,080.7
British Columbia 2,453.1 2,536.7 3,124.5 17,418.7 17,597.5
Coast 225.7 239.2 287.1 2,023.4 2,057.7
Interior 2,227.4 2,297.6 2,837.4 15,395.3 15,539.8
Northern interior 977.7 1,058.1 1,266.0 7,084.6 7,185.9
Central interior 598.9 580.4 704.6 3,970.9 3,903.0
Southern interior 650.8 659.1 866.7 4,339.8 4,450.8
Alberta 642.7 645.7 911.1 4,319.9 4,175.8
Saskatchewan x x x x x
Manitoba x x x x x
Ontario 448.0 534.2 535.3 3,215.0 3,374.7
Quebec 898.4 1,055.7 2,276.3 7,396.5 7,764.3
New Brunswick 131.1 156.4 122.9 1,245.7 1,302.7
Nova Scotia 72.6 79.3 150.5 500.8 520.4
  percentage change 2007 to 2008
Canada -19.1 -17.7 -10.8 -22.4 -21.1
British Columbia -25.5 -23.8 -14.7 -24.9 -23.6
Coast -25.3 -34.0 -20.0 -26.0 -24.2
Interior -25.5 -22.5 -14.2 -24.8 -23.5
Northern interior -29.8 -27.8 -16.5 -27.3 -25.8
Central interior -7.1 -3.7 29.4 -2.6 -2.1
Southern interior -31.6 -26.4 -30.4 -34.6 -33.0
Alberta -4.4 -5.8 6.2 -5.8 -7.0
Saskatchewan x x x x x
Manitoba x x x x x
Ontario -26.8 -20.3 -33.3 -34.4 -31.6
Quebec 20.9 3.7 -0.2 -11.7 -10.1
New Brunswick -56.1 -42.8 -53.4 -40.6 -36.4
Nova Scotia -26.1 -26.2 2.0 -31.6 -32.8
Totals may not add due to rounding.
Production and stocks of lumber, British Columbia, by species, 2008
  Standard classification of goods July Production Year-to-date production July Stocks
    code   thousands of cubic meters
British Columbia      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 87.8 617.3 112.5
Western Red Cedar 4407.10.71 93.6 874.5 218.0
Yellow Cedar 4407.10.72 9.1 96.5 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 98.5 884.9 181.2
Sitka Spruce 4407.10.42 x x x
Spruce, Pine and Fir 4407.10.31 2,163.2 14,917.5 2,612.6
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 x x x
Total softwoods 2,453.1 17,418.7 3,124.5
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 2,453.1 17,418.7 3,124.5
British Columbia coast      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 53.0 349.2 42.0
Western red cedar 4407.10.71 x x x
Yellow cedar 4407.10.72 9.1 96.5 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 77.4 665.6 81.1
SITKA spruce 4407.10.42 x x x
Spruce, pine and fir 4407.10.31 11.1 184.5 16.4
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 x x x
Total softwoods 225.7 2,023.4 287.1
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 225.7 2,023.4 287.1
British Columbia interior      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 34.8 268.1 70.5
Western red cedar 4407.10.71 x x x
Yellow cedar 4407.10.72 0.0 0.0 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 21.1 219.2 100.1
SITKA spruce 4407.10.42 0.0 0.0 0.0
Spruce, pine and fir 4407.10.31 2,152.1 14,733.0 2,596.2
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 x x x
Total softwoods 2,227.4 15,395.3 2,837.4
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 2,227.4 15,395.3 2,837.4
British Columbia northern interior      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 0.0 0.0 0.0
Western red cedar 4407.10.71 0.0 5.1 0.1
Yellow cedar 4407.10.72 0.0 0.0 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 0.0 4.4 1.1
SITKA spruce 4407.10.42 0.0 0.0 0.0
Spruce, pine and fir 4407.10.31 977.7 7,075.1 1,264.7
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total softwoods 977.7 7,084.6 1,266.0
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 977.7 7,084.6 1,266.0
British Columbia central interior      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 15.5 48.7 19.0
Western red cedar 4407.10.71 0.0 0.0 0.0
Yellow cedar 4407.10.72 0.0 0.0 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 0.0 0.0 0.0
SITKA spruce 4407.10.42 0.0 0.0 0.0
Spruce, pine and fir 4407.10.31 583.4 3,922.2 685.6
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total softwoods 598.9 3,970.9 704.6
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 598.9 3,970.9 704.6
British Columbia southern interior      
Douglas Fir & Western Larch 4407.10.32 19.3 219.4 51.5
Western red cedar 4407.10.71 x x x
Yellow cedar 4407.10.72 0.0 0.0 0.0
Western Hemlock & Amabilis Fir 4407.10.33 21.1 214.9 99.0
SITKA spruce 4407.10.42 0.0 0.0 0.0
Spruce, pine and fir 4407.10.31 591.0 3,735.6 645.8
Other softwoods 4407.10.99 x x x
Total softwoods 650.8 4,339.8 866.7
Hardwood 4407.90 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total (softwood and hardwood) 650.8 4,339.8 866.7
Totals may not add due to rounding.
Production and stocks of lumber by province and species, 2008
  Spruce, pine and fir (SCG code 4407.10.31) 1 Total softwood (SCG code 4407.10) 1 Total hardwood (SCG code 4407.90) 1 Total
  thousands of cubic meters
July production  
Canada 4,186.6 4,613.7 81.7 4,695.4
British Columbia 2,163.2 2,453.1 0.0 2,453.1
Alberta 641.5 641.5 1.2 642.7
Saskatchewan x x 0.0 x
Manitoba x x 0.0 x
Ontario 414.2 421.9 26.1 448.0
Quebec 724.2 849.8 48.7 898.4
New Brunswick 122.0 125.5 5.5 131.1
Nova Scotia 72.0 72.5 0.1 72.6
Year-to-date production  
Canada 30,287.5 33,792.8 650.2 34,442.9
British Columbia 14,917.5 17,418.7 0.0 17,418.7
Alberta 4,311.9 4,311.9 8.1 4,319.9
Saskatchewan x x 0.0 x
Manitoba x x 0.0 x
Ontario 2,950.6 3,027.5 187.6 3,215.0
Quebec 6,109.2 6,995.7 400.8 7,396.5
New Brunswick 1,164.8 1,192.9 52.7 1,245.7
Nova Scotia 487.3 499.8 1.0 500.8
July stocks  
Canada 6,238.1 7,202.2 27.8 7,230.0
British Columbia 2,612.6 3,124.5 0.0 3,124.5
Alberta 910.8 910.8 0.3 911.1
Saskatchewan x x 0.0 x
Manitoba x x 0.0 x
Ontario 489.8 523.1 12.2 535.3
Quebec 1,853.5 2,261.1 15.2 2,276.3
New Brunswick 121.9 122.9 0.0 122.9
Nova Scotia 140.2 150.5 0.0 150.5
Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) code.
Totals may not add due to rounding.
Revised data for production, shipments and stocks of lumber, 2007
  July Year-to-date
Softwood (SCG code 4407.10) 1 Hardwood (SCG code 4407.90) 1 Total Softwood (SCG code 4407.10) 1 Hardwood (SCG code 4407.90) 1 Total
    thousands of cubic meters
Total production 2,421.4 90.1 2,511.5 20,368.3 838.2 21,206.6
Alberta 671.2 1.3 672.5 4,575.5 8.6 4,584.1
Saskatchewan x 0.0 x x 0.0 x
Manitoba x 0.0 x x 0.0 x
Ontario 576.7 35.7 612.4 4,611.6 285.7 4,897.3
Quebec 703.1 40.3 743.4 7,918.4 453.6 8,372.0
New Brunswick 285.6 12.6 298.3 2,009.6 88.9 2,098.4
Nova Scotia 98.0 0.2 98.2 730.2 1.4 731.6
Total shipments . . 2,838.3 . . 21,408.6
Alberta . . 685.1 . . 4,488.4
Saskatchewan . . x . . x
Manitoba . . x . . x
Ontario . . 670.7 . . 4,936.6
Quebec . . 1,018.4 . . 8,641.0
New Brunswick . . 273.7 . . 2,049.9
Nova Scotia . . 107.5 . . 774.4
Total stocks 4,404.1 39.4 4,443.5 .. .. ..
Alberta 856.8 1.1 857.8 .. .. ..
Saskatchewan x 0.0 x .. .. ..
Manitoba x 0.0 x .. .. ..
Ontario 791.8 11.0 802.8 .. .. ..
Quebec 2,255.3 25.1 2,280.4 .. .. ..
New Brunswick 261.3 2.1 263.4 .. .. ..
Nova Scotia 147.6 0.0 147.6 .. .. ..
Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) code.
Totals may not add due to rounding.
Canadian lumber exports, 2008
Province of origin July Year-to-date
Rail Truck Water Total Rail Truck Water Total
   thousands of cubic meters
Canada 461.2 1,894.2 509.8 2,867.1 3,498.9 13,456.0 3,561.0 20,527.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.4 2.4 0.0 2.7 2.3 18.7 0.0 21.0
Prince Edward Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2
Nova Scotia 11.1 32.4 0.4 43.9 74.1 255.0 7.7 336.8
New Brunswick 46.4 80.2 4.5 131.2 282.0 496.7 23.5 802.2
Quebec 130.7 247.5 25.2 403.5 1,024.2 1,881.4 162.6 3,068.3
Ontario 45.4 135.4 3.6 184.4 351.5 985.3 24.5 1,361.3
Manitoba 3.8 14.2 0.0 18.0 24.8 90.3 1.1 116.2
Saskatchewan 7.1 2.8 0.2 10.1 50.9 11.6 0.3 62.8
Alberta 46.2 207.2 11.2 264.6 382.9 1,345.0 54.0 1,782.0
British Columbia 170.0 1,171.9 464.7 1,808.6 1,305.9 8,371.4 3,287.3 12,976.2
Yukon 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Northwest Territories 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1
Nunavut 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1
Canadian lumber exports by province of origin as reported by the International Division of Statistics Canada. Totals may not add due to small transactions with unclear mode of transportation which appear only in the totals. Destination of exports by country may be obtained from Statistics Canada's catalogue no. 65-004-X monthly.
Production, shipments and stocks of pulp chips, 2008
  July Year-to-date
Production Shipments Stocks Production Shipments
   thousands of oven-dry metric tonnes
Canada 1,424.7 1,504.1 94.5 10,565.7 10,652.9
British Columbia 582.7 579.3 30.6 4,082.6 4,071.8
Coast 40.9 40.9 3.1 459.0 456.2
Interior 541.8 538.3 27.5 3,623.6 3,615.6
Northern interior 241.3 241.4 1.8 1,668.7 1,667.9
Central interior 154.3 153.5 1.9 976.7 976.1
Southern interior 146.1 143.5 23.8 978.2 971.7
Other provinces 842.0 924.9 63.9 6,483.1 6,581.1
Totals may not add due to rounding.